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You're It

It has been pointed out to me by a certain friend that I do not post often about myself. This is true. Mainly books here. But as she is a good friend, and though she claims she's fine if I don't respond to this tag, I have decided to step up to the plate and give my first response to a tagging.

What Was I Doing 10 Years Ago?
I was in my freshman year of college counting the days till I got to go home to California for Christmas. I was also stalking a poor freshman boy with nice hair and a more than passing resemblance to the Blue Eagle (with the aforementioned friend).

What Was I Doing 5 Years Ago?
Working on my masters degree in British Literature and taking a George Eliot class in which we read a book a week. The week we read Middlemarch was one of the most exquisite weeks of my life.

What Was I Doing 1 Year Ago?
I'd just gotten back from a trip to Morocco, Egypt, and Italy. We rode camels into the desert and watched the sun rise over the Sahara. We climbed down into the bowels of the Pyramids and Aaron was held at bayonet point in the Cairo airport. We spent one misty, moisty afternoon in Venice and ate one absolutely delicious dinner of carbonara and pesto at a trattoria in Milano.

What Was I Doing Yesterday?
Hanging candy canes on our Christmas tree with William and rocking out at the Billy Joel concert with Liza.

5 Snacks I Enjoy
Salt & Vinegar chips, snap peas, popcorn, Aunt Susan's seasoned pretzels, and Cadbury Eggs at Easter. Mmm...

5 Things I Would Do if I Had a Million Dollars
Is it weird that I have a hard time coming up with things? Um, buy a small villa in Italy? Build a totally awesome library in said villa? Make annual pilgrimages to England? Hire a personal investor and turn it into 20 million? Not tell anyone?

5 Places I Would Run Away To
The bookstore, Tintern Abbey, Liza's house, Heidi's house, the 20th floor apartment Emily used to live in in Manhattan because, even though it was small, it was a big happy place.

5 T.V. Shows I Like
Buffy, Veronica Mars, House, West Wing, and Arrested Development

5 Things I Hate Doing
Killing spiders, cleaning the bathroom, drinking liquid medicine, ironing, and getting up in the morning

5 Biggest Joys of the Moment
Well, filling this out obviously. Christmastime. Singing with Will. Going to movies with Jed. Laughing with Aaron.

Phew. Now that's over, I hereby tag Elisa, Heidi, Liz, Martha, and Rachel. Mwa-ha-ha...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That was delightful, and I think you had fun writing it. Strangly, my favs will be quite similar, can't I just say, Ditto?

  3. Ah, but what exactly were you doing 5 years ago? Come on. Spill the dirt.

  4. Well done. Thank you for induling me. I loved the links to the pictures! Aaron is quite the photgrapher. I like his style. And I LOVED the link to ROOOOBERT! The likeness is so very real.

  5. Shockingly so. "The Eagle has landed."


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