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From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris

From Dead to Worse is the eighth Sookie Stackhouse book and, after reading it, definitely a comfort Sookie for me. Meaning, of the eight books so far, this is one I'll go back and reread when I want to feel good about things again. Right up there with numbers four and five--Dead to the World and Dead as a Doornail. And, yes, I realize that my favorite Sookie books are also the ones with a high Eric factor. That's just the way it is. Fortunately, Ms. Harris seems to be channeling the good Eric vibes as well, because I continue to like where his and Sookie's relationship is going. And I like that it's not speeding but taking its time. Although, I will put in a request for "that conversation" to happen in the next book, please thank you.

This installment sees Sookie and company recovering from the repercussions of the disastrous vampire summit in the last book. Post-Hurricane Katrina Louisiana is also still recovering and several new people come into Sookie's life as a result of this necessary shifting around of their state and their lives. This story seemed very real to me. The trademark humor is still there and as charming as ever. But Sookie makes several weighty decisions throughout the course of this book. Forces herself to, in some cases. And where a few new characters come in, a few older ones make what I would term exits. Wisely chosen ones, I thought.

Sam maintains a quiet but firm presence in Sookie's life. Bill determinedly lingers around the edges. And, even though I will always despise him, he did remind me (and Sookie) of a few of the reasons they got together in the first book. And Eric and Sookie continue to navigate the deep waters between them (their increasingly powerful blood bond, that pesky long-term amnesia thing Eric's got going on, etc). I enjoyed this installment because it was low key, but carried simmering consequences and intriguing possible developments under its calm-ish surface. Sookie was superb. Extremely mature, unafraid, and determined. In all the best ways. Another hit for Charlaine Harris. Can't wait for book nine.

Darque Reviews
Dear Author Review
Fantasy & Sc-ifi Lovin' Book Review
Lurv a la Mode Review


  1. it floors me that you're able to keep all of the books in a series like this straight. to me, they're just one giant book. i want your brain.

  2. Lol. We should probably wait to swap brains til post-August 8th. Mine'll be back on its game then.

    The Sookie ones are easier for me than the Stephanie Plum ones, for some reason. There are a few more defining moments in them, I guess. 4, 5, and 8 are the ones that stand out the most to me.

  3. This is one of the most difficult series for me to wait for each year. *grin* Thanks for the DR link. :)

  4. You bet, Kimberly. I know what you mean. I always know it's really spring when the new Sookie finally comes out. :)

  5. Would you believe I have books 2, 3, and 4 on my bookshelf, but have never read them because I don't have book 1? Crazy, I know.

    I've been hearing great buzz about this latest Sookie novel and the series as a whole, so I am putting myself on a mission to buy the first book this weekend. I think I even have a Borders coupon! Gotta love that! =)

  6. Oh, definitely take advantage of that coupon and get Dead Until Dark. I have such fond memories of reading my first Sookie.


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