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Bibliocrack Review: Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles

I decided I had to read Perfect Chemistry based on Trisha's awesome review. In her words:

Simone ElkelesPerfect Chemistry is a teen romance full of cliches, melodrama, an unrealistic denouement, and a completely over the top epilogue. And I freaking loved it. Ate it up with a spoon like it was an ice cream sundae.
Rock on, Trisha. I love it when reviewers are honest about how much they loved a book. I'll add to her description The Cover. Every time I sat down next to DH to read he'd say, "You still reading the The Cover?" And I'd smile like the cat who ate the canary and say, "Yeah." In my best what's it to ya voice. 

Brittany Ellis and Alejandro Fuentes go to Fairfield High on the outskirts of Chicago. And that is the one and only thing they have in common. She is the captain of the pom squad. He is a member of a local gang. On the whole, they could be categorized as Less Than Thrilled to be made lab partners in chemistry for the entirety of their senior year. What follows is a fair bit of verbal sparring, a healthy dose of teenage angst, and a whole helluva lot of sexual tension. Forced to spend time together outside of school working on their final project, Alex and Brittany discover more about each other than they ever wanted to know. Soon they are forced to decide just what they will do with their newfound knowledge. I, for one, couldn't wait to find out. Okay, so I knew from the moment they met exactly what they would do with it. But, honestly, I was enjoying myself way too much to care. 

So, yeah. This thing is the real deal. It's star crossed lovers against the world. It's passionate pleas and rising music. It's West Side Story sans the whole love at first sight bit. In fact, these two kids despise each other. They're both smart, sexy, and very very troubled. And they have several sizeable barriers to cross before they can even begin to take each other seriously. Is it sappy and predictable and overwrought? Yes. Did I love it? Oh, yeah. Why? Because, quite simply, Simone Elkeles made me believe in these two. I wanted so much for them. And, even though I knew it would, I could not stop reading until I was sure things came out all right for them in the end. Suddenly I was fourteen years old again and falling in love with Romeo & Juliet for the first time. There's nothing like that feeling and it was nice to have it back for just a little while.


  1. Anonymous3:57 AM


    And I agree about The Cover. It's...yeah. I wouldn't say call it spectacular or truly a "Wow!" cover, but, boy does it do its job well.

    Is it sappy and predictable and overwrought? Yes. Did I love it? Oh, yeah.



  2. Nice review! I really cannot wait to read this one!

  3. Trisha, you're absolutely right. It really does its job well. I'll confess to catching myself staring at it several times while reading. Thanks again!

    Sharonanne, thank you! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I just read this one and loved every word of it! And your review was spot on. Looks like I'll be bringing my copy back to the library, and heading to the bookstore for one for keeps.

  5. Chelle, yay! So glad you loved it. I can totally see this being a comfort read when I need just that kind of a love story. *grin*


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