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Jackie over at Literary Escapism has gifted Angieville with this FABulous award. Literary Escapism is a daily stop for me and Jackie keeps it chock full of good info, reviews, recommendations, and updates from around the web. So thanks for the award!  I'm supposed to list five things I am obsessed with and/or addicted to. I asked DH what he would list if asked what I was obsessed with. His response: "You're not a particularly obsessive person." And I guess he's pretty much right about that. The only thing I really obsess about is books. So this will be a list of five book-related things I currently think about WAY too much.

2. How Diana Peterfreund's Ivy League series is going to end. Tap & Gown comes out in just over two months and I am seriously concerned cautiously optimistic.

3. Book release dates. I keep a list of everything I'm looking forward to. I add to and modify it on what is probably a daily basis. I have chosen to believe I am not the only one who does this and am, therefore, Not Crazy. I am, rather, organized in my obsession.

4. Matched sets. I am a lover of new covers, old covers, covers tattered and torn. But I love them in sets. This obsession will often earn me the Incredulous Look from my husband. "You know, you do already own that series. You do know that. Don't you?" I know, babe. I know.

5. Supplying my people with the books that they need. Whether or not they know they need them. I have several long-suffering friends and family members who have stacks of books I have pressed upon them. Fortunately, they indulge me. They read them. Sometimes they love them. Then I get to do the happy dance.

So. There you have it. I get to pass the award on to five of my favorite FABulous blogs. So here you go guys. Since you are all so great, you may have already received this. That's cool. You get it again. Me and My BooksBookshelves of DoomEveryday ReadingTempting Persephone, andThe YA YA YAs. Thanks for all the good reads and good laughs. 


  1. "seriously concerned cautiously optimistic" might be my new favorite pull quote.

    I really need to read those MWT books. they've been on my TBR pile for-ever and Sarah Rees Brennan and Holly Black have been praising them to the sky in the castle all week!

  2. Diana, lol. What can I say? I'm a bundle of nerves. And Sarah and Holly are right! You must read them. You will never be the same.

  3. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Aw thanks! I think you're fab too :-)

    And okay. You've convinced me. I'm going to get The Thief tomorrow.

  4. Just put down the King of Attolia and I am ruined.....I'm completely worthless....what will I do until the next one comes out...!!!! uggg! I understand the obsession, but I just don't know what to do with myself now that my obsession has no outlet....hmmmmm better go do laundry, but that just seems to real life and I'm not ready to leave Attolia yet.

    Luckily when I do finally come out of my funk I have Bone Crossed AND Silent on the Moor that I just picked up from the library. If they can't get me over Eugenides then nothing can!

    On behalf of all your family members and friends who get to benefit from your obsession......I thank you!!! Your blog is FABULOUS. laters

  5. Aw, thanks so much! You're too nice!

    I just got The Thief from the library yesterday and will definitely be diving in this week (spring break). Yippee!

  6. Li, grab The Queen of Attolia while you're at it. The Thief is the big set up. Queen is where things really get going.

    Liz, I feel your pain. Weren't they just unbelievable? Though Bone Crossed + Silent on the Moor does sound like the best hangover remedy I've heard of. Get back to me on those!

    Janssen, I can't think of a trio of books I'd rather be diving into for Spring Break. Enjoy!

  7. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I had to read that twice! Thank you! :) Looks like I'm, ah, on the same page with everyone else as I'll be starting The Thief as soon as I'm done with Jo-Jo. And I've got Queen and King at home, too.

  8. Chelle, you are welcome! I get a thrilling little tingle each time someone tells me they're reading the MWTs next. You are in for such a treat. :)

  9. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Hey, thanks! And I agree -- everyone who hasn't read the MWT books should START already!

  10. Leila, you're welcome! I came so late to the MWT game, I'm determined to make up for it by bibliovangelizing them to the high heavens.


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