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Dangerous Pretties

A few dangerously enticing upcoming pretties for your viewing pleasure today.

Debut author Lisa Mangum has The Hourglass Door coming out May 13th. Scooper has a lovely early review of it here. Sounds promising!

Diana Peterfreund is not kidding us with the latest cover of Rampant--due out August 25th. This is the final version and definitely my favorite. Seriously cannot wait for this baby.

Rachel Vincent is breaking into YA with the first in her new Soul Screamers series--My Soul to Take, which is due out August 1st. It's got banshees. I'm just sayin'.


  1. As much as I like the new RAMPANT cover, I LOVED the old one. I just wanted to cuddle that blonde (and make out with her, too).

    These all look great.

  2. I do love this version of Rampant, too. The reflection of the unicorn in the sword is very cool. BUT, I'm with Meljean and think there was something more magical and inviting about the platinum blonde girl on the previous cover.

    Can't wait to read this one!

  3. I read a review of The Hourglass Door over at SciFiChick; it looks really good. Actually, I can't wait to get my hands on all three!

  4. I want!

    I don't understand why it is that when I am actually in a bookstore, nothing looks all that tempting, but when I read about books on line, they look so wonderful, and I covet them...

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    I agree that the original Rampant cover looked magical, but I like this one as well.

  6. Meljean, LOL! I about shot milk out my nose reading that. The old cover girl certainly had that come hither stare down pat, didn't she?

    Christine, I agree. The blonde was all sorts of frolicsome fairy pretty. It will be interesting to go back after actually reading it and see which one reminds me more of Astrid.

    Chelle, it does, doesn't it? And thanks for the tip on the SciFiChick review. Will check it out.

    Charlotte, that is ironic isn't it? I think the added benefit of someone else's excitement and/or commentary makes them more irresistible. It certainly does for me.

    Laura, Diana described it cover-wise as GRACELING meets UGLIES and I think that's why I'm drawn to it. I love both of those girls and I think I subconsciously wanted Astrid to look a little more dangerous and a little less...eye candy. :)

  7. Ooh, those ARE pretties! Me wants! :)

  8. This one reminds me more of Astrid. Just saying. ;-)

    Amanda, the awesome cover model of the last Rampant cover, is positively stunning and apparently doing the cover shoot fulfilled all her long-held Buffy the vampire Slayer fantasies, but I think the heavy make-up and glowing lighting made her look a little too old, a little too put together, and a little too -- dare I say it? -- gorgeous to be Astrid.

    When I had the original cover as backdrop on my computer, I would find myself staring at Amanda's gorgeous eyes all the time, even if I didn't think, overall, she was reflective of the very practical, down to earth, modern girl between the pages. And darn it, it bothered me that she had short curly hair. I even almost went back and changed the book so she'd have short curly hair, but then I realized it would REALLY change one scene, where she needs her long hair to, um, cover stuff.

    Of course, none of that is why they changed it. When they sent it out to booksellers, the response was more of the "frolicsome fairy" variety than the "kickass unicorn hunter action thriller" variety. (The original cover artist does Melissa Marr's covers.)

    Also, there was no unicorn on it. Boo.

    Usually, an author hopes for something that is reflective of the book, and if not, is at least very pretty. I felt that with the original cover we got the latter, and with the new cover, we get both.

  9. Karen, I know! I'm very impatient...

    Diana, wow! I love hearing the back story on the cover transformation. I'm secretly (okay, not so secretly) happy to hear this one reminds you more of Astrid.

    Now that you mention it, I think it was the heavy makeup and perfectly coiffed curls that had me a tad uneasy. This cover really is the best of both.

  10. These all look great!

  11. I know! I'm very excited for this summer's releases.


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