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YA Book Carnival Giveaway: Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr

This week Shooting Stars Mag is hosting the first ever YA Book Carnival! I'm delighted to be participating by giving away a brand spankin' new copy of Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr. This is the third book in Marr's Wicked Lovely series and a direct sequel to Wicked Lovely itself.
You can check out my reviews of the series here:

And all you have to do to enter is leave a comment telling me your favorite book or series involving faeries or your favorite classic fairy tale or fairy tale retelling. This giveaway is open worldwide and will run through Sunday June 28th. Make sure to leave me a way to contact you! Also don't forget to stop in at Shooting Stars Mag this week to check out all of the other fabulous giveaways going on as part of the YA Book Carnival.


  1. My favorite fairy series is the Merry Gentry series by Laurel K Hamilton.

  2. I really like Tithe by Holly Black. =) I would say it's my favorite Fairy series.



  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    my favorite faery series is Melissa Marr's.I loved wicked lovely and ink exchange.I can't wait to read fragile eternity.
    thanks for the chance to win it.


  4. oh yes please enter me :) I so wanna read her.

    I haven't really read much with fairies, but I always liked Tumbelina by HC Anderson, I think that was the English title

    blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com

  5. I have not read many books yet that feature fairies, I think the only series would be the Merry Gentry series which I have enjoyed a lot.

  6. I would love love to win! I have never read anything to do with fairies. I think Tinkerbell is the closet I've came! I'd love to change that with this book! Enter me please!

    I also posted on sidebar under contests!

    cnhand84 at yahoo dot com

  7. Alicia M.2:15 PM

    I've decided that I just love fairies in general, although I think my current favorite is the Wicked Lovely series (maybe that's because I'm in the midst of reading it?) and you and I both know I could truly use this book.... :-D Whee!! (amccleve (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. I have read Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange but not Fragile Eternity yet:)

    I like Karen Marie Moning's Fever series..they have creepy fey.

  9. Hmm, I would probably have to say The Two Princesses of Bamarre, by Gail Carson Levine. Actually, I love pretty much all of her fairy tale retellings. :)

    I've heard great things about Melissa Marr's series, but I actually haven't read any of them yet :( Hopefully that can change soon though lol
    Thanks for the awesome contest!

    lucidconspiracy at gmail dot com

  10. I've not read very many fairy stories, and the 2 I've tried recently didn't really work for me. This is probably silly, but the best fairy tale I can come up with was some fictional fairy tales in AS Byatt's possession, which talked about the Lamia. I'm really looking forward to reading Melissa Marr's work.

    My address is amandagignac[at]gmail[dot]com

  11. Maybe this sounds dark - but I really love the fairy tale Blackbeard and all the renditions of it. I ended up taking a Mythology and Fairy Tale class in college and wrote a paper on the parallels between the Buffy episode Ted - and the fairy tale of Blackbeard. It was a fun paper. I also love the graphic novel series called Fables - which has a Blackbeard character in it. :)

  12. Mine is How to Ditch Your Fairy!

    faked_sugartone at hotmail

  13. So far Tithe come to mind but FAIRY TALE by Cyn Balog and WONDROUS STRANGE by Lesley Livingston comes in close! A re-telling on Cinderella that I just read that was quite good happens to be called ASH by Malinda Lo. Definitely check it out!


  14. I exactly love Melissa marr books
    and holly blacks but i think it was Christopher Pike's book Alosha that exactly got me into fairies.

    redleocat at yahoo dot com

    hope i win

  15. Not quite sure what my favorite fairy series would be. I guess I'll just have to go with Melissa Marr's books. The first two in this series, Wicked Lovely and Ink Exchange, were really great. I'm soooo looking forward to this one.

    So please enter me!

    Thanks for the contest :)


  16. I love Fairies of Dreamdark: Blackbringer by Laini Taylor! Amazing!!
    Fun contest!:)

  17. I'll have to go with Beauty, by Robin McKinley!

  18. My favourite fairies would be the fairies who BITE in Labyrinth! Oh, book you say? It would have to be Sleeping Beauty. What a classic.

  19. War of the Flowers by Tad Williams is my favourite book about fairies. Fragile Eternity looks like a good read, please enter me into this drawing.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

  20. Cassie Wilson11:01 PM

    I recently read Ink Exchange and I'm desperate to see how it all is going to end! I need the next book :) I remember this book, Faerie Tale by Raymond E Feast, which had evil fairies and scariness and a big was awesome! I do love me a bit of Labyrinth, though. "You remind me of the babe..."

  21. Anonymous11:10 PM

    I like the Tam Lin re-tellings. Any of them. Never get tired of it. Like the recent Heir to Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier. Almost seemed Tam-lin-ish to me.

    I'd like to participate in the prize-winning! Um, I guess my email is:

  22. I like Gail Carson Levine's fairy tale retellings too. My favorite fairy tale has always been beauty and the beast though.

    mnemlethe at gmail

  23. I really like the Fablehaven series

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  24. I just started reading about fairies but the one that I read that made me want to read more was Wondrous Strange. I am in the middle on Ink Exchange and its soo good.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  25. I liked Holly Black's books a lot.

    Thanks for the contest,

  26. I love The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale! Awesome book!

    bunnybx at gmail . com

  27. I seriously need this book! I just got the second book in the series. Now I also need to read the first book... hehe :)

    My favorite fairy tale is ella enchanted by gail carson levine, if that counts as a fairy tale. :D


  28. I really like the fae in Jim Butcher's Dresden Files.

    un_pissenlit (at) hotmail (dot) com

  29. I've read Tithe, which I didn't love, but other than that, this will be my first "fairy fiction."

    New follower!

  30. I honestly love everything to do with fairies. When I was younger, I was obsessed with Tinkerbell and all Disney and other fairy tales. The Wicked Lovely series is one of my favourite fairy series. :)

    Alex (& Lauren) at aflightofminds(athotmail(dot)com

  31. Hi, I'd like to be entered :)
    well, my favorite faerie series is the Modern Faery Tale series (Tithe, Valiant and Ironside) by Holly Black.

  32. Rachel G10:27 PM

    It involves fairies, so I suppose it counts...

    My favorite fairy tale is actually part of the original Peter Pan book (not the Disneyfication). I had an illustrated version of the story as a child, and it always seemed so poignant to me when Peter is lost in Covent Garden with the fairies, and later finds out that he can never go home to his mother. The illustrations were realistic, and really added to the sense of darkness in the story. I don't think I could have articulated that at the time, but I think that's why I likes it.

  33. I'd love to enter. I just finished Wickely Lovely and Ink Exchange arrived today. My favorite book dealign with fairies as of late is Lament. I can't wait for the next book.

  34. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I would love to enter this contest. I love the wicked lovely series, but my favorite fairy series would have to be the new series, wonderous strange.

  35. My favorite is Little Red Riding Hood, that's probably why the Paranormal is my favorite genre to read! Love reading about werewolves and vampires.

  36. I adore all of Robin McKinley's fairy tale re-tellings, but a more recent favorite is Delia Sherman's Changeling. New York itself is an alternate fairy world, and the different creatures and epic adventure make the book a wonderful reading experience.


  37. I enjoyed Melissa Marr's Ink Exchange very much.


  38. My favorite story involving faeries is Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr because A) It is really good and B) It is the only one I've read so far. lol. So it makes since that I really want this book. lol. Great contest. :)


  39. I really enjoyed Melissa Marr's Ink Exchange.

  40. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I think my favorite Fairy book is Wicked Lovely!
    But Tithe by Holly Black is close in my books.

    I haven't read Fragile Eternity yet but i can't wait too

  41. You know, in all honesty, I can't think of any books that I've read (of the contemporary vein) that have had fairies in them...that's bizarre, because I know I've read some. Does Leven Thumps have fairies?

    I do have a special love for A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, which has a heck of a lot of fairies. Hopefully that counts.

    Anywho, email in profile and thanks for the giveaway!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I love Karen Marie Moning's writings. She writes stories that have fay...

  44. Wow, great giveaway Angie! How to choose my favorite Faerie book? Well, I particularly loved Lament and Beauty by Robin McKinley is always awesome as a retelling. I'm also competely devoted to Enchantment by Orson Scott Card - modern Russian sleeping beauty - swoon!

  45. Oh, I would so love to be entered for this one... for I have just bought the first and second book!!!!
    I am new here as well... hope you don't mind!
    My fave fae story.... would have to the Sookie Stackhouse collection. I haven't read much with fae's in them.... So, if would not be for this collection... then I would have to say Sleeping Beauty...

  46. My favorite tale would be that of The Little Mermaid. I think that's why too I love finding more and more stories with selkies, Fae, gargoyles and more! I'd so love to be in the contest for this book! Thank you!


    I'm following the blog too!

  47. I've not read any fairy stories that I know of except Tinkerbell from Peter Pan. I've never actually read the story just watched the movie. Would love to read a story containing them. Please count me in for the contest. I'm now following the blog. Have a great day.

  48. My favorites would be a toss-up between Marr's series, and Wondrous Strange (which I hear is the beginning of a series) The Merry Gentry series is another that I enjoy but not as much.


  49. I read Wicked lovely and I really liked it. I also loved Bones of Faeries by Janni Simner.


  50. I like Tithe. It is one of my favorite books with fairies.

  51. My favorite faery stories would be Tithe, Wondrous Strange, or Fairy Tale. All excellent reading!

    Please enter me!

    Dottie :)

  52. I'd have to say I've liked Holly Black's books and Maggie Stiefvater's LAMENT the best out of all the faerie books I've read so far. Besides mine, of course. ;)


    karenkincy [at] hotmail [dot] com

  53. I've been currently reading Orson Scott Card's Enchantment which is an older book. So far, pretty interesting tale on russian fairy tale legend Baba Yaga.

  54. My favorite faery series would have to be Frewin Jones series The faerie Path! I also really liked Wondrous Strange!Thank you for the contest!

  55. The Wicked Lovely Series is the best I've read so far.


  56. i would have to say tithe by holly black.
    my name is emily.

  57. Melissa Mar's faire books are by far my fav faire books!

  58. Favorite series with fairies would have to be the Kim Harrison Hollow's series.

    bbricke AT yahoo DOT com


  59. my favorite faery series is Melissa Marr's.I loved wicked lovely and ink exchange.I can't wait to read fragile eternity.

  60. I love Holly Blacks books and Melissa Marr's, but I think my favorite faerie book series is the Faerie Wars Quartet.

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com

  61. (If this is still open...)

    Robin McKinley has done two retellings of Beauty and the Beast and one of Sleeping Beauty, and I really love those books.

  62. I haven't read many books with faeries in it, but they are on my list =) I did really enjoy Godmother by Carolyn Turgeon which is a different kind of story about Cinderella's fairy godmother.

    Thanks so much for this awesome giveaway!

    mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

  63. I love I Was a Teenage Fairy by: Francesca Lia Block. Not as fantasy-esque as other "fairy tales" but an excellent read nonetheless.



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