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Ballad Giveaway!

I think it's time for a giveaway, don't you? Thanks to the generous people at Flux, I have one copy of Ballad by Maggie Stiefvater to give away to one lucky commenter!
I'm very excited about this giveaway because I thought it was such a great read and an excellent companion novel to Lament. You can find my review of both books here and here, as well as an interview I did with Maggie last month. I've posted Maggie's awesome book trailer here before, but here it is again because it's totally worth a second viewing.
Maggie has since put together a playlist for Ballad, which you can also check out here.
The rules for the contest are simple. To enter please leave a comment telling me your favorite ballad or love song. One extra entry if you become a follower, two for current followers. Make sure to leave me a way to contact you. The giveaway is open to U.S. and Canada residents only and closes on October 1st--Ballad's official release date!


  1. In English, definitely Unchained Melody *sigh*

    In Spanish... yikes, too many to choose one, sorry.

    Have a GREAT weekend, Angie!

  2. I just started my first Maggie Stiefvater book this morning--"Shiver"! I had trouble putting it down and coming to work. :(

    As for love songs, I like The Fray's "Look After You."

  3. I just got Lament to read! I'm excited cause I love stories with fairies in them.

    With regards to favorite love songs, it has to be All-4-One's I Can Love You Like That.

  4. I'd love to be entered. I can't wait to read Ballad!

    I'm coming up blank with a favorite ballad, but have a ton of favorite love songs. Off the top of my head, I heard "Here Without You" by 3 Doors Down on the radio yesterday and almost started crying. *rolls eyes*

  5. i really like love songs. a lot. one of my favorites is a Michael Buble song, Everything. makes me happy. :o)

  6. also, i follow your lovely blog. (as of now!)

  7. Oh yes. I forgot to mention that I'm already a follower. Thanks, Angie. :)

  8. Favorite ballad would be Love Song by The Cure. Can't go wrong with that song.

  9. Also forgot to mention I am a current follower. =)

  10. Hey Angie...
    +2 current follower. Many thanks. :)
    Love song...The Luckiest comes to mind.

  11. Anonymous1:46 PM

    what a great contest! thanks!

    pls enter me
    sensitivemuse at gmail dot com

    my favorite ballad? that would have to be: Si Nos Quedara Poco Tiempo by Chayanne (spanish) it's absolutely beautiful.

  12. I haevn't read lament yet, can i read ballad first and then lament or I have to read them in order?

    My favorite ballad would be
    Thinking of you by Katy Perry and I also love Til death do us part by Jonas. It's a translated version of a great french ballad =)

    Thanks for the contest!
    tynga85 AT hotmail DOT com

  13. I've just got Lament on hold and I would love to win this!

    My favorite love song is "All I Want is You" by U2.

    I subscribe by RSS feed, does that count? :)


  14. Tynga

    No, it's just a companion book, so you can read either one first. The story does start in Lament though an its amazing, definately worth a read.

    Angie, I already have a copy, so please don't count this as an entry.

    You are awesome for doing this gieaway : )

  15. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hi :)
    I'm already a Member of your blog in good sitting. :)
    My favorite ballad is a tie between Lady in Red by Chris deBurgh and (Everything I Do) I Do It For You by Bryan Adams.
    All the best,
    PS - My email is in my Blogger profile

  16. I love the ballad "Dream Come True" by Frozen Ghost.

    I am a current follower.

    simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

  17. Great contest! One of my favorite love songs is a duet by Josh Groban & Barbara Streisand called, "All I know of love."

    I'm a new follower to your site.

    writer76 (at) gmail (dot) com

    Danielle =)

  18. Etta James "At Last"

    cindyc725 at gmail dot com

  19. One of my favorite love songs would have to be Unchained Melody, very cliche but for good reasons lol!

    I'm an old follower. =)

  20. I love Sweet child of Mine by Guns n' Roses

  21. My favorite love song is "My Heart" by Paramore.

    +1 new follower

    Sara M
    silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com

  22. Kate A4:42 PM

    My favourite love song is Luck by Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillait


  23. I just posted that I wanted this book, it sounds amazing.

    Favourite love song, it's tie between

    Fix you by Coldplay


    I will follow you into the dark by Death Cab for Cutie

  24. This book looks so amazing to me...
    My favorite love song is "Brand New Colony" by The Postal Service. He talks about how he'll do all these things to help the girl he loves, like he'll be the platform shoes, undo what heredity's done to her, so she won't have to strain to look into his eyes... stuff like that. So cute!
    Please enter me:

  25. I love (Everything I Do) I Do It for You - Bryan Adams (from the Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves soundtrack)

    +2 already follow

    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  26. All These Things That I've Done by The Killers!

  27. My favourite ballad song is Chet Baker's version of My Funny Valentine

    +1 Became a follower on google friend connect


  28. Hm, favorite love song... I don't know actually. I just like sad sounding, heart-rending songs about broken hearts, I guess. Maybe that says something about me?

    And +2 because I'm an old follower. This is a great contest! And I almost forgot how soon Lament was coming out. (:

  29. I love the ballad "The Man from Snowy River" is so awesome!

    +1 I am a follower.

    Thanks for the awesome giveaway chance!

    emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com

  30. I LOVE the cover for this book!! It sounds amazing!! I REALLY want to read shiver!!

    Oh! And my favorite love song at the moment is... The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script


  31. Oh!!!
    Im already a follower!


  32. My favorite ballad has to be Always with you, Always with me by Joe Santriani. There isn't any lyrics, but the guitar work is fascinating.

  33. Enter me please!

    My favorite love song is Stay With You by John Legend. It's not really a ballad, but it has special meaning to me because it's my fiance and my song. When times were tough he played it for me, and actually started to sing to me! It was a huge surprise, because he hates singing in front of people, although he has a beautiful voice. I cried my eyes out, because it portrayed so many things about us at the time. I still cry when I hear it.


  34. I'd love to play please! My fav ballad is Somebody by Depache Mode.

    I just became a follower.


  35. This is a great contest. I am a new follower.


  36. "THE STORY OF MY LIFE" favorite love song.

    New Google Connect Follower and Google Reader Subscriber.

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  37. Unchained Melody. Its a classic but still the best.

    I am already a follower.

    bacchus76 at myself dot come

  38. My favorite is a four way tie. Slow Dance by Framing Hanley, Here By Me by 3 Doors Down, I Can Love You Like That by John Micheal Montgomery, and The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra.

    I am a new subscriber on reader.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Lucyinthesky10:33 AM

    Yellow by ColdPlay

    Thanks for the chance!

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  41. Lucyinthesky10:36 AM

    I'm a new follower on Google Friend Connect (Ally)

    rubymoonstone at gmail dot com

  42. I'm a sucker for Unchained Melody, although a lot of the Backstreet Boys love songs are up there too from my middle schools days :)

    New follower, although I've been following on Bloglines for a while!


  43. Anonymous4:27 PM

    I love Ballads so its hard to pick a fav. I like The Reason by Hoopastank and When You Lie Next to Me by Kellie Coffey.
    Would love to win Ballad!

  44. I have a million of these songs: 'TO make you feel my love' by Garth brooks, 'Need you now' by Lady Antebellum, 'If it kills me' by Jason Mraz, 'Lost' by Michael Buble... Can I continue?

    I'm already a follower - thanks!

    mmillet at gmail dot com

  45. My favorite love song is Hey There Delilia (off the top of my head-there are so many)
    +1 new follower

  46. My favorite love song is "I Swear" since it waas the song my hubby and I danced to at our wedding reception.

    +2 I am already a follower.


  47. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I'm not sure this counts, but I would have to say my favorite ballad (at this moment ;) is "Scalliwag" by Gaelic Storm.
    +2 currently a follower
    Thanks, Angie!

  48. Great contest! My favorite love song is Faithfully by Journey..its me and my boyfriend's song :)

    I am now a follower


  49. I have always loved Unchained Melody. I can remember my parents holding hands listening to that song and getting that dreamy look in their eyes. It still warms my heart to hear it.

    I just stumbled onto your site from another site I follow and I love it.

    I'm now following this one too. gertie722(at)windstream(dot)net

  50. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Fave love song is - Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade. Both me and my husband listen to it together all the time. Thanks for the oppurtunity to win this book!


  51. I think 3 rounds and a sound by Blind Pilot is simply AMAZING, wonderful and everything in between, I'm not sure if it's about love though, but I could just listen to it all day long and still not get tired of it:)
    +1 I'm a new follower
    Thanks for this contest!!:)

  52. This is an older song...I Want to Know What Love is by Foreigner. What a classic love song....

    thanks for giveaway

  53. I became a follower :D I really want to read both of these books, so it would be awesome to win Ballad! And my favorite love song would have to be Falling Slowly from the Once soundtrack.

  54. I really love that song called Lucky - Jason Marz I think?

  55. Please enter me. Thanks for the chance. My fav love song is Suddenly.

    lizzi0915 at aol dot com

  56. My favorite love song would have to be So This is Love from Walt Disney's Cinderella. It plays during the scene where Cinderella and Prince Charming are dancing and it makes me think of chocolates with caramel inside. =)

  57. My favorite love song is Taylor Swift's "Love Story" but I also like The Script's "I'm Yours."

    +1 New follower

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    stephaniefleischer889 [at] gmail [dot] com

  58. My favorite love song is "Shameless" - the Garth Brooks version. I subscribe through Google Reader if that counts.


  59. Anonymous12:50 PM

    My favorite love song at the moment is "Galaxies" by Laura Veirs. She's really good with lyrics and I love her use of instruments.


  60. without you - sum 41
    became a follower

  61. Honestly, I can't think of a song. Can I still enter even though I am musically illiterate?

    +2 Current follower

    paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com


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