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Apparently, I Want It All

It's Halloween tomorrow and everyone's dressing up. If you're my boy, you get to dress up for the school Halloween parade and class party today as well as tomorrow night for the actual trick-or-treating. I'll be walking around with him, carrying babygirl in my arms. Any of you out there dressing up and/or attending Halloween parties?
As I was making the rounds, I came across Carolyn's hilarious Reading Personality Quiz: Cinderella vs. Little Red Riding Hood over at The Thrillionth Page (link via See Michelle Read). Not a pairing you see very often. I highly recommend you head over and answer the questions to see which one you are. You probably think you already know, but the result may surprise you. I was leaning LRRH but I ended up with my answers split right down the middle. Of which Carolyn has to say:
You want it all! Drama, conflict, crazy devotion, HEA, heroines who can take care of themselves...extra points for a cool outfit.
Yep. That pretty much sums it up, actually.
As I was looking for images I came across these killer versions of Red Riding Hood by artist Jerry Cai:

Seriously cool, no? That's my kind of girl. You can see more of Jerry Cai's artwork here. Happy Halloween!


  1. My kids are way into Halloween. They've already dressed up for parties/festivals twice and will dress up again tonight and then tomorrow for the real deal.

    Speaking of LRRH and Cinderella, have you read The Stepsister Scheme?? Seriously awesome Cinderella tale... and the planned third book, I believe, is to be about LRRH. (The second just came out and is about the little mermaid...)

  2. Oh and 7 to 1 puts my in the LRRH category!


  3. ohh, I love some of the ways Little Red Riding Hood gets depicted! One of my favorites is a manga one.. which OK. I can't remember where it is.. oh I have it bookmarked. This is an artist whose site I can't read but I clicked all over and found some cute stuff:

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I totally agree with you. I want it all with everything. In movies, I want romance but I can't stand romantic comedies because they're too predictable, so I like the movies that have romance and adventure and suspense and make me think and have amazing acting and cinematography. With books, ditto! Just swap fantastic writing for cinematography and rounded-and-love-all-their-flaws characters for the acting.

    Should I admit that HEA was a new abbreviation for me? I like it, as in "How do you like your HEAs?"

  5. Cute! Thanks for the link. And happy trick-or-treating!

    Those are AWESOME. I love deviantart. Red Riding Hood is so kick-wolf-butt here. :)

  6. Britt, I love it when the kids get totally into it. The excitement is infectious. And, no, I haven't read them yet. I put the series on my list when you told me about them back in August, but I haven't gotten to them yet. They look great!

    Janice, oooh, I seriously like that first one. Thanks for linking to it. And you're right, she seems to get a lot of great renderings. Must be the mysterious hood...

    nikki, yes, yes, and yes! Especially the rounded-out-love-all-their-flaws characters. And the romance-world has all kind of acronyms that mystify me until I run across a definition. And, for the record, I like my HEAs hard-won and not without a touch of sadness.

    Jenn, Happy Halloween to you! And I love deviantart as well. Such a great place to browse and ooh and aah. I LOVE Red Riding Hood atop the wolf's corpse. So cool.

  7. That was great I was LRRH, very cool, especially as that was my outfit last halloween!

    My son has three Halloween costumes, which is useful as he'll probably sick up on all of them. Have a fun time!

  8. I'm LRRH, but leaning towards half and half. I dance in flats, but wear sequins at the same time ;)

  9. Hey! Thanks for the linkage!! So you're a half and half and YOU want it all! LOL. That's a good way to go. I wish I'd found these incredible LRRH illustrations when I did that post. How lovely!!

  10. Anonymous1:48 AM

    I probably won't be dressing up this year. Maybe next year. I hope the parades and parties went/go well. Happy Halloween! I love the music and Red Riding Hood pictures. :)

  11. Being the forgetful mom I am, I forgot until 9:00 the night before my son's Halloween class party to buy a costume, which (of course) was after all the good costumes in his size had been sold. Luckily, some genius out there decided to put a cape on Batman pajamas, making the pajamas look like a costume (my son is young enough to think pajamas are just as cool as a full-fledged costume, thank goodness).

    I wasn't going to take the Cinderella/Red Riding Hood quiz, but now that you've posted some rocking pictures of RRH, I'm going to take it in the hopes that I get to be her.

    Bundle up for your Halloween festivities!

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    My husband and I are dressing up as Jabba the Hut and Princess Leia (when she's in her awesome slave metal bikini costume).

    Those are some fantasic depictions of LRRH! The friends that we're going out with tonight are actually dressing up as her and the wolf. Can't wait to see their costumes!

    Happy Halloween!

  13. Alexa, lol, you are a woman prepared. Yay for LRRH!

    Rhiannon, yup. Mine could have gone either way, but ended up completely split.

    Carolyn, thank YOU for the original post and quiz! I loved it. And when I saw these LRRH pics, I fell in love. Awesome.

    Sharla, I didn't dress up either. But the boy and I had a great time traipsing about the neighborhood filling his pumpkin. ;) Glad you liked the song!

    Jessie, hooray for Batman PJs! My son would feel the same exact way. As long as it's got the logo and the general feel, he's fine. Well done you.

    fictionfanatic, uh, so you have to share the pics now. You know that, right? *waits*

  14. ooo, love the depictions of LRRH very cool!


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