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Cybils 2009

And once again it's October and The Cybils are here! The Cybils two-fold purpose is:
1. Reward the children's and young adult authors (and illustrators--let's not forget them) whose books combine the highest literary merit and "kid appeal." What's that mean? If some la-di-dah awards can be compared to brussel sprouts, and other, more populist ones to gummy bears, we're thinking more like organic chicken nuggets. We're yummy and nutritious.
2. Foster a sense of community among bloggers who write about children's and YA literature, highlight our best reviewers (and shamelessly promote their blogs) and provide a forum for the similarly obsessed.
It's hard not to love the organic chicken nugget analogy and the reference to the "similarly obsessed," is it not? Clearly, these are my people.
A couple of years ago I served as a second round judge on the Graphic Novels panel and had such a wonderful time associating with the other panelists and judges and reading through some of the best in Graphic Novels for the year. This year I'm thrilled to be serving as a first round judge on the Young Adult Science Fiction & Fantasy panel! These are the lovely people I'll be working with:
Steve Berman, Guys Lit Wire
Gwenda Bond, Shaken & Stirred
Tanita S. Davis, Finding Wonderland
Sheila Ruth, Wands and Worlds
Samantha Wheat, Twisted Quill
So, to the meat. The nominations are now officially open! All kids/YA books published between October 16, 2008 and October 16, 2009 are eligible. Here are the links to each of the different categories, with a complete list of nominated titles, updated continually:
And here is a link to the nomination form:
The two most important rules are: you can nominate one book per category and be sure to nominate a book you are passionate about. I'm so excited! So do you have any in mind already? What's the best you've read in the last year? Head on over now and start nominating!


  1. Yay, Angiegirl and the SFF category of the Cybils!!!

  2. Tarie, lol, thanks!

  3. You lucky thing! I hope you have fun, and I nominated this morning.

  4. Rhiannon, lol. I'll keep you updated on how it's going. Thanks for nominating!


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