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Best of 2009

You can check out my best of the year category rundown over at The Book Smugglers, but today on New Year's Eve I'm posting my Best Books of 2009 list.
Best of 2009
(in order of publication)

FYI, that's 3 urban fantasies, 6 YAs (2 contemporary, 2 urban fantasy, 2 scifi/dystopian), 2 mysteries, 1 contemporary, 1 fantasy, and 1 historical.

Best New Discovery of 2009
aka MWT, The Turner, the fantabulously gifted, clever, smarter-than-me author of the all kinds of awesome Queen's Thief series, and creator of my
Favorite Character Discovery of 2009

The Thief Eugenides

*a moment of silence, please, for my biggest character crush of the year*

As you can tell, it was a banner year and I'm looking forward to another great batch of reads and discoveries in 2010. Happy New Year!


  1. I am so glad that Demon's Lexicon made your list too!! I just loved that book.

    And my favorite discovery was The Turner and Eugenides as well and that is thanks to you, so thank you Angie !!

    Happy New Year!!

  2. such a great list. there are many books i still have yet to read from that list, but it's a good list regardless.

    speaking of books. I will need to come see you very soon before I go crazy. I'll let you know when, or maybe I'll just surprise you. ;)

  3. Great choices! Fire and Ballad were awesome, and I need to read the others. Happy new year! :)

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Magic Strikes is the best book of 2009 for me. Love. I am also loving your shag carpet you got going on! ;o)

  5. Good, good list Angie. Glad to see you continuing to spread the Gen-love. But, when's the ACOK review coming? I'm anxious...;)

  6. Great List. A stack of those are in my TBR pile, so I feel good about that.

  7. Ana, so much love for TDL right now. I'm nursing a wee bit of a crush for Alan as well. *sigh* Yay for Turner and Gen! It was a defining moment of my year. Happy New Year!

    Alicia, you are welcome anytime. I have what you need. :)

    Jenn, and to you! I really loved FIRE and BALLAD. James was such a great protag and FIRE was a perfect reading experience.

    Tiah, lol! That's my rug in the library. I <3 it. And I really don't think it's possible to adequately describe how much I think MAGIC STRIKES rocks. Kate & Curran 4 evah.

    Michelle, it's what I do. :) And worry not. One ACOK review coming right up! *types*

    Liza, yup, you are in a good reading place. Let the books come to you. hehe.

  8. Great BEST OF list, Angie. Those on your list that I've read as well are favorites of mine too. Almost all of the rest are on my TBR or Wish List.

    Thanks for all of your wonderful reviews and book chat here on your blog. It's been a fun following your reads throughout the year. Here's to many more in 2010!

    Happy New Year, kiddo. :)

  9. A quick drive-by post to wish you the best for 2010, Angie!

    (you book pimp you!)

  10. Great list, Angie! Many were faves of mine, too. I'm looking forward to reading THE THIEF - one of these days. They sure do look good lined up like that, those Queen's Thief books.

  11. Great list. I just finished Ballad this morning, and I am still reveling in its awesomeness.

    My blog isn't really a book blog, but I did do a favorite reads of 2009 post today. Come check it out if you are interested.

  12. I just bought the second two books in the queen's thief series in anticipation of the fourth! How exciting you got a galley :)

  13. Great choices. I hadn't heard of the Queen's Thief and now I've heard of it three times in a week! I'll have to check it out.

    Happy New Year

  14. Happy New Year Angie, and an excellent list!

    I love how FIRE looks so well-read :-) I do adore the UK cover because I think the pose captures Fire perfectly, but peeking at the US version... it's so pweeedy.

  15. Anonymous7:21 PM

    What a great list of books! Happy New Year!!

  16. Christine, lol. Thank you! It has been a real treat getting to know you and your blog as well. Here's to 2010!

    Azteclady, and to you, my friend! :)

    Chelle, don't they? You really must. I just know you're going to die over QUEEN and KING and I can't wait to watch it happen. hehe.

    JoLee, could you believe James in BALLAD? The kid stole/broke my heart. And thanks for the link to your blog! That was a great reads of '09 post.

    Lenore, it was a good day the day that ARC showed up. I'll tell you that. :) I'm glad you bought them. Can't wait to hear what you think...

    Alexa, it's a sign! There's no other explanation. You must check them out immediately and report back to me. hehe.

    Li, Happy New Year! That copy of FIRE really has been read and read. I'm glad it looks loved. I love both covers as well. I love her stance and her hair on the UK one.

    J. Kaye, and to you! Here's to 2010.

  17. Oh, the MWT books are my favorite! I can't wait for that fourth book. I'm going to have to reread before March.

  18. That such a great list! I loved many of these books, and the others I would like to read, too. I have The Thief very close to the top of my TBR pile!

    Happy new Year!

  19. such a great list. there are many books

    Work from home India

  20. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Such a great list, Angie. I've just added Marcelo in the Real World to my buy list.

    Last night I finished The Hunger Games and was totally blown away by it. Picked up my ARC of Catching Fire and it didn't take long before I signed online and ordered the hardcover so it would match my copy of The Hunger Games. I'm hooked.

    Next up is Megan Whalen Turner, so I'll be able to read your ACOK review soon.


  21. Melissa, that's what I did as well. I'd just finished reading KING with DH when the ARC arrived and I'm so glad I did re-read. Put me so in the mood.

    kay, I can't wait to hear what you think of THE THIEF. Be sure to let me know!

    kanishk, sooo many good books to read. And more coming all the time. *happy*

    Karen, you have no idea how excited I am to hear MWT is up next for you. Oh, I can't wait!

    And I'm thrilled you were blown away by HUNGER GAMES and CATCHING FIRE. They really are purely entertaining. In the best sense. Glad you got around to them. :)

  22. What a great collection and I agree love the blog!


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