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Evening Stops

This evening I've got several interesting links for you.

First off, Liz over at A Chair, A Fireplace & a Tea Cozy has the scoop on two new Madeleine L'Engle reissues and the covers are so lovely that I have to post them here as well.
Aren't they sigh-worthy? I just love them. And since And Both Were Young is one of my favorites of her lesser-known works, I will definitely be picking up a copy. I hope these new editions and covers help both books find a new and receptive readership. They deserve it.

Second, Chelle over at Tempting Persephone has started up a new weekly feature that I think is awesome. She calls it "I  ♥ This Art" and has this to say:
I ♥ This Art is a weekly feature on Tempting Persephone. Art, no matter the medium, buoys my spirit up. Each week I’ll spotlight a piece that speaks to me, makes me want to know more, or just makes me feel.
The first spotlight she has up, "A Boy and a Girl," is so lovely. I've already been over to the artist's website and blog. Looking forward to more in this series.

Next, as you have probably heard, April of Good Books & Wine has taken on the Herculean task of putting together a Top 100 YA Books of All Time list and she's looking for our help. From now through March 17th you can stop in and nominate five titles for the list. She will then compile them all and post the list for everyone to see on the 19th. So head on over and attempt to whittle your list down to five killer titles.

Lastly, and in a similar vein, a week or so ago I joined together with several other lovely book bloggers and contributed an entry for Flashlight Worthy Books' Most Romantic Young Adult Books of All Time list. It's an extremely good list, if I do say so myself, and the blurbs each blogger wrote on their favorite pick are well worth a stop. Any guesses on the one I picked? I'm fairly predictable, right? So it can only be one of probably three titles. *grin* FYI, Flashlight Worthy is a website of themed lists of handpicked book recommendations on hundreds of topics and makes for very fun browsing. Go check them out.

Flashlight Worthy Books
the newest lists of book recommendationsthe best book recommendations are found at Flashlight Worthy
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  1. I got Camilla for Christmas and am delighted to try it out. I enjoy her more obscure works as well. I liked The Unicorns.

  2. Thanks for posting those links! It's going to be hard to nominate just 5 books for the Top 100 YA Books of All Time. I've only read 4 books in the Flashlight Worthy list, I'm adding the rest to my wish list. :)

  3. I just requested both of those L'Engle books from the library! Can't believe I'm about to admit this, but...I've never read anything by her. Also, so glad you like the new feature! :)

  4. Raspberry, excellent! I adore THE YOUNG UNICORNS. It may be my favorite in the Austin family series. Even if it doesn't have Adam. ;)

    Chachic, oh, I know! I had a horrible time and finally just had to click Submit and leave it there.

    Chelle, ooooh, *rubs hands together* you have so much win in store. If you're starting with one of the two, go with AND BOTH WERE YOUNG. I <3 it.

  5. Hey Angiegirl,
    Thanks so much for posting a link to the 100 Greatest YA Books Nomination post, I really appreciate it!! :-)

    And to thank you, I'll be adding your blog button to my blog roll :-D

  6. April, my pleasure. I'm glad you're putting the list together! Can't wait to see what the results are.

    Thanks for adding the button, btw. :)


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