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Pegasus Cover Art

It's like some kind of cover craze around here lately. But there's just so many to talk about and spotlight! Yesterday Robin McKinley unveiled the cover for her upcoming novel Pegasus
Do the words "some authors have all the luck" come to mind? Lol. Just kidding. I know they all go through serious highs and lows cover-wise throughout their careers. But holy crap! This one is gorgeous. While I gaze at it some more, you can read the first three snippets here, here, and here
Pegasus is due out November 2nd. 


  1. Holy cow, that's gorgeous!!

  2. Wow! That is beautiful!

  3. This just makes me 10x more excited to read this. It's so beautiful!

  4. Anonymous11:59 AM

    I am making a not of this book. I need more artsy covers in my collection.

  5. Lovely. Just lovely.

  6. I know you shouldn't judge a book by the cover but just looking at this cover for some reason I just know the story inside is amazing.

  7. Wow... beautiful.

    But McKinley's been around for a while. I think maybe established authors have better luck with covers than first-timers.

  8. Oooohhh...this is simply beautiful! Cannot wait to read this!

  9. Anonymous3:20 PM

    WOW. That is a gorgeous cover! The colors, the layout, the pretty swirly font, amazing!

  10. You guys, I totally agree. I was actually stunned at how beautiful it was when I first saw it. And she's had some lovely covers.

    La Coccinelle, you're absolutely right, I'm sure.

  11. I love that cover! Very nice.

  12. Gorgeous cover!

  13. I feel so unaware - I didn't even know she was coming out with a new book this year. You're right, the cover's gorgeous. I sense a Christmas present for myself - er, for my sister. I will IN NO WAY read it before giving it to her.

  14. Anonymous12:34 AM

    This is the kind of book you put face forward on your bookshelf so you can see the cover everyday. Stunning.

  15. Wow, that's gorgeous! I don't care what it's about, I want it on my shelf!

  16. That is one lovely cover. I adore the cover on CHALICE, too. Every time I pass it I can't but stop and look at it.

  17. Yes, the cover is gorgeous, but I'm just excited to learn about another forthcoming McKinley book!

  18. Oh my lord! I must ask Robin which cover gods she sacrifices to and whether a fatted calf or snow white lamb is more pleasing to them. Pegasus has always been a favourite mythical figure of mine. What a lovely book!

  19. That is a lovely cover! Thanks for posting the snippets.

  20. yes, great cover. looking forward to learning more about pegasi.


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