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Brightly Woven Giveaway Winner!

And the winner is . . . Kath!

Please contact me with your mailing address and we'll get your signed copy of Brightly Woven sent out to you right away. I have to say you all made me laugh with your favorite wizards (and witches!) and why you love them, and how long you have loved them, and how much you're looking forward to meeting North and Sydelle. The top favorites were overwhelmingly Harry Potter, Howl, Gandalf, and the Weasley twins. Other honorable mentions included Ged, Merlin, Dumbledore, and Harry Dresden. Fine choices all of them. 

And to Lizzy, who questioned my lack of love for the revered Howl, what can I say? I still feel bad about it to this day. I just never connected with him. I definitely see the literary lineage between he and Eugenides. And, magical/wizardy elements aside, they are both adept at role-playing when it serves their purposes. But the difference (for me) is in the glimpses we see of the real Gen--so packed with visceral emotion. The kind that steal my breath and force me to utter oaths of undying loyalty and devotion. Howl never elicited oaths, undying or otherwise, from me. I suppose my lack of Howl-love could be characterized as sad. But there it is. As characters go, you fall in love with some so much you can't remember a time you didn't know them. With others, you're okay just remaining casual acquaintances. And that's how I feel about Howl. The thing is, I don't feel too bad for the guy. He's got enough admirers to last him several lifetimes. 


  1. Kath as in ME??? That is the best news ever!! I really cant wait to read this one, it sounds so amazing! You just made my day! =) I'll send you my info right now! THANKS!!

  2. Kath, my pleasure! :)

  3. Congratulations Kath! And I must say Angie, you had me laughing at your anti-Howl love (well, sadness I should say). I'm glad you included Ged up there. And yes, Eugenides is smokin' awesome.

  4. Congratulations Kath.

    Angiegirl- what would one read/watch/whatever to be introduced to Eugenides? He sounds fun.

  5. Oh, J, I'm so glad you asked. One would pick up a copy of The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner and not look back. One would also be well advised to have a copy of the sequel on hand. And don't be fooled by the first half of the first book. Things will pick up. With a vengeance. And the next two books will seal the deal.

    Ahem. And I will not cease fangirling.

  6. Thanks! I'm adding them to my list right now, and wouldn't be surprised if I found my way to getting them soon. :)

  7. Congratulations to Kath!

    It's funny that you had to mention your lack of love for Howl and explain the difference between him and Eugenides. I'm a huge fan of Gen and I didn't like Howl all that much when I first read Howl's Moving Castle, I can't remember what changed though. Maybe I watched the Miyazaki movie and fell in love with the Howl there? Although the book and the movie are really different.

  8. J, you've made my day. :) Enjoy.

    Chachic, I've been taking flack for it for years now. *sigh* I don't really think the two characters are that tied together either. And I'm a big Miyazaki fan but haven't managed to see Howl yet. I really want to. Perhaps it will inspire a successful re-read? :)

  9. You're a Miyazaki fan? You should definitely see the Howl animated film then. That's the only one I've seen but I'm planning to watch his other films. Here's to hoping that it will inspire more Howl love! :)

  10. I suppose there are always those characters/books/movies that everyone loves and you don't care for. We all have them, and at least you're brave enough to admit yours (I'm not). As long as you love Eugenides, it's all good!

  11. Chachic, I know! I can't believe we haven't seen it yet. Definitely watch his others. Totoro, Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service...they're all wonderful.

    Lizzy, yeah, it happens. Lol. You're always welcome to share yours with me. I won't judge. :)

    Yay for Eugenides!


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