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What I'm Going to Read: Round 2

Alrighty. The randomly selected winner is Northlander by Meg Burden as suggested by Charlotte!

I actually already own this book and just haven't gotten around to reading it yet. So this works out well. I've heard lots of good things and I just love Charlotte's reviews and recommendations. Looking forward to it!

Here is the full list of suggestions:
Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork (sbjames)
The Light of Asteria: Kailmeyra's Last Hope by Elizabeth Isaacs (Book Crazy Jenn)
A Wish After Midnight by Zetta Elliott (Katy)
The Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner (lustyreader)
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (Holly)
Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer (Emily)
Nothing But Blue Skies by Tom Holt (Diana)
Spellbent by Lucy A. Snyder (Sullivan McPig)
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer (Lauren Jean and Michelle)
Except the Queen by Jane Yolen and Midori Snyder (Christine)
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher (Bookie)
Touched by an Alien by Gini Koch (MarnieColette)
Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse (Julie (ASmAcc))
Trick of the Light by Rob Thurman (Ellyl)
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (Kristi)
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews (Christina)
Madapple by Christina Meldrum (Emily)
Audrey Wait! by Robyn Benway (KarenS)
Cotillion by Georgette Heyer (Li)
Prom Dates from Hell by Rosemary Clement-Moore (Emily)
Precious Bane by Mary Webb (melissa @ 1lbr)
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde (JoLee)
The Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce (Amy)
A Girl Named Disaster by Nancy Farmer (Ceci)
Transformation by Carol Berg (Kristen)
A Stranger to Command by Sherwood Smith (Chachic)
The City in the Lake by Rachel Neumeier (Chelle)
The Smart One and the Pretty One by Claire LeZebnik (Ginger)
Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner (Rosey)
Restoring Harmony by Joelle Anthony (Alexa)
A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers (pirate penguin)
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead (Alison)
Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman (Lan Nguyen)
Katherine by Anya Seton (Suey)
Brother to Dragons, Companion to Owls by Jane Lindskold (Kerry)
Garden Spells, etcby Sarah Addison Allen (Tiffany M.)
French Kiss by Sarra Manning (
The Karma Club by Jessica Brody (Britt)
One for the Morning Glory by John Barnes (ladyjoust)
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin (Lorraine)
Fat Cat by Robin Brande (Jacqueline C)

Even more than last time! You guys are awesome.

Of these, I have already read:
Marcelo in the Real World by Francisco X. Stork (my review)
Magic Bleeds by Ilona Andrews (!)
The Circle series by Tamora Pierce
Garden Spells, The Sugar Queen, and The Girl Who Chased the Moon by Sarah Addison Allen (my reviews here, here, and here)

All right. I'm gonna try to get to Northlander as soon as I can. Thanks for your wonderful input, all of you!


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Magic Bleeds! Wow, right? Looking forward to your review of it.


  2. Karen, WOW. So much wow...

  3. What a terrific list! I meant to throw in a suggestion, but the week just got away from me!

  4. Oh, I hope you like Northlander!

  5. Janssen, I really do love all the suggestions that fly in. Thanks again for starting this great feature.

    Charlotte, me too! :)

  6. Wow, so many suggestions! I hope you get around to reading A Stranger to Command even though it didn't get chosen. :)


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