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Misty Pretties

Don't you want to cuddle up with these three and just stroke them? Three completely different, but equally stunning covers, styles, and books, and yet . . . I must have them all. I love how they each fill me with misty feelings of longing for something I didn't even know I wanted.

Jane by April Lindner
Okay. Three words for you--Jane Eyre retelling. What? You need more incentive? Well. It's set in the present day. And the Mr. Rochester character is a famous rock star on the brink of a major comeback. And his first name is Nico. And her last name is Moore. And, oh, I am so in love with this whole idea. And that cover? It is full of win. Love the pink letters. Due out October 11th.

Entwined by Heather Dixon
And while we're drooling over retellings, let's take a look at Heather Dixon's debut retelling of the Twelve Dancing Princesses fairy tale. I have read two retellings of this classic tale and enjoyed both, but I am fully open to a new interpretation. And this cover? I can't even believe how perfect it is. Like some dream-soaked confection you can't wait to open. Due out March 29th.

Other Words for Love by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal
Another debut novel, this one has me very intrigued as it sounds like a rather refreshing in-depth exploration of a young woman's first experience with an all-consuming relationship. Ari transfers from her standard Brooklyn high school to an elite Manhattan prep school and life changes for good. But when it changes once more, will she be able to sort the reality from the illusion. Due out January 11th.


  1. Cuddle up and stroke them? Yes, I do. And put them on a shelf, admire their spines and take them down from time to time just to fondle. That's why I can't get excited about ebooks.

  2. I met the editor of JANE at ALA and she had posters of the cover, which is AWESOME. Really wish she'd had ARCs, though I suppose I should actually read JE first, huh?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love Jane Eyre, but I'm so skeptical about retellings and the recent influx of mash-ups...but then this one does look pretty :)

  5. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Entwined's cover is absolutely stunning.

  6. OhMyWord. There is nothing about the 'Entwined' cover that could be improved. I want to just stare at it. And read it NOW!

  7. Oh I so WANT a copy of JANE. Which I'm sure comes as no surprise to you. But I am totally digging this concept and *hope* it turns out well.

  8. These are beautiful covers! That Jane Eyre modernization looks really good. I'll have to check it out, and then keep my fingers crossed that it's good. :)

  9. Susie, amen. They just don't inspire the fondling, do they?

    Diana, honestly, I can't believe you haven't read it yet. And with your series of posts on Nice Guys/Bad Boys. You, my dear, have simply got to make the acquaintance of Mr. Rochester. I want to hear your thoughts.

    Kaz, ha! I know. Methinks we need to gang up on her and somehow force her to do so before the retelling comes out.

    Carolyn, I understand your concern. And the mash-ups are one thing. I myself am a rather large fan of retellings. But only when they're done extremely well. So we'll see how JANE fares.

    Tiah, right? I couldn't believe it when I first saw it.

    Elizabeth, hehe. I rather thought people were going to feel that way. Well done, Greenwillow!

    Michelle, *grin* isn't it divine looking? I must have it.

    Becky, yep. Fingers crossed.

  10. Thanks for the head's up about the Jane Eyre retelling. Me want now.

  11. That cover of Entwined is stunning! It's going to come out on my birthday, although I'm pretty sure it will arrive here a couple of days late.

  12. Anonymous9:45 PM

    The cover of Entwined is mesmerizing! This is a must read for me. Thanks for the post!

  13. I'm sure I can't be the only one (oh I probably am though, being odd) but the idea of a modern Jane Eyre retelling makes me twitch, especially when you throw in a 'hero' (grr Rochester) who is a rockstar (gah). But I see no problems in all the Jane Austen retellings, as long as they are good, so I am a contradiction.

    I am so intrigued with how the author will possibly pull of a modern man locking his wife in the attic - I would guess it's being replaced with some other more modern horrible secret?

    Um. Entwined looks good though.

  14. Katie, *grin* I knew you'd be interested in that one.

    Chachic, ooh, nice timing. I hope it doesn't take much longer to get over there.

    firepages, it just sort of screams out Must Read, doesn't it? *admires*

    Jodie, oh, I'm sure you're not the only one. And there is certainly plenty of possibility for screwing up royally. Are you a fan of the original or not, out of curiosity? The reason I'm so positive, actually, is because I heard that a blogger I quite trust read and loved it. So I'm crossing my fingers. But I don't blame you at all for being skeptical. And I bet they do tweak the madwoman in the attic bit. :)

  15. A Jane Eyre retelling definitely sounds like something I have to check out! I'm a new follower, btw =)

  16. I love your first paragraph! So true so many times! ;)

    I also really love the title Other Words for Love. Oh book lust!

  17. I cannot wait for JANE! (A friend of mine managed to snag a small poster-sized version of the cover for me; it's every bit as wonderful in "real life." Better, even.)

    And that ENTWINED cover...just lovely.

  18. Lizzy9:03 PM

    I love the Entwined cover! What are the other two 12 dancing princesses retellings you have read?

  19. I hadn't heard of Jane before this post; it looks amazing! I cannot wait to get my hands on it!

  20. If I wasn't already swept away by all three of those book covers, I would have been easily sold by their descriptions. All three books just made my list.

  21. I didn't realize the Jane book was set in the present day. The cover actually makes me think historical! For some reason her clothes don't look at all 21st Century to me, but maybe all that mistiness is confusing me lol. I love the sound of the premise.

  22. Simay, hey, thanks for following! Hope you find much to delight. :)

    Amy, isn't it? And, yeah, that one wins for best title. I'm intrigued.

    Chelle, ooh. Music to my ears.

    Lizzy, they were WILDWOOD DANCING by Juliet Marillier and the other is in Robin McKinley's fairy tale collection THE DOOR IN THE HEDGE. Wonderful.

    Sarah, it seems to inspire that feeling in the lot of us!

    Christine, score! They each look so enchanting.

    Kenda, yeah, the clothing choice was an interesting contrast to the title font and color. And the description definitely says 21st century. But the girl on the cover could go either way.


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