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River Marked Cover Art

I've seen this pop up hither and yon for awhile and been waiting for the official word to go up over at It just did and I'm excited to post the cover of the sixth Mercy Thompson novel--River Marked. We knew this one was going to delve a little deeper into Mercy's past, particularly the walker heritage and abilities she inherited from her father. And my little Mercy-loving heart does its little dance of joy at the thought. The cover reflects the Native American ancestry, for sure, and I'm noticing lots of feathers in her tattoos as well. Interesting. Personally I like that cover artist Dan Dos Santos subtly changes her tattoos with each cover to match the tones and themes of the individual books themselves. So what do you think?

And if you haven't read this article over at Tor, in which Dos Santos and the real-life Mercy cover model Jaime talk about the creation process, I highly recommend you do. I had no idea there was an actual cover model and their remarks are so interesting.


  1. I love these covers, I think they just keep getting better. I had no idea he changed the tattoos book to book, but now I'm going to go back and look more closely!

  2. oh this is so so so cool. I'm really excited for this book!!! :o)

  3. Not sure I'm a huge fan of this cover (but I don't read the books!) but that interview was one of the most interesting things I've read all week!

  4. I suppose this means I should read the second book?...

  5. First let me say this series along with the books by Jeaniene Frost are my favorite books over any others. Rereads are without question. To say I love these books is only the beginning. That said, my opinion of the covers could not be more opposite. When I look at the unadorned photo of the model above, I think, why can't the cover look like that? I can't describe how nauseating all those tattoos are. Especially when Mercy doesn't have them! (except for the one paw print!) Why, Why, Why, must the designer screw around with Patty's creation? The model is great, and she looks absolutely perfect on Bone Crossed, except for those tattoos. The River Marked cover is too sensual. Mercy doesn't flaunt herself that way. To say these images are misleading isn't nearly strong enough. I know many, many readers of these books who always advise someone new to "ignore the cover." I have to agree.

  6. DUDE!!! So excited for this book!

  7. Oh I love it this might be my favorite cover next to Iron Kissed, but thats just cause its my favorite book lol.

  8. oh my goodness Angie! soooo glad you posted this :D I've been a huge fan of Mr. Santos! And I loved that article, I didn't know there was a real life model either! crazy! And oh the lovely subtleties of the tattoos I love them! *SIGH* now all we have to wait for its release. . .arg

  9. Oh wow, I love this cover! I think the US covers are so much more striking and beautiful than the UK covers, I always have soft spots for covers that feature actual people. Can't wait for this one!! Love love love this series.

  10. Anonymous8:36 PM

    This cover is the best one yet. Mercy has some boob action going on this time! I love the model's body too. She is fit and looks strong, just like Mercy. I hate seeing models on book covers be pencil thin and they are suppose to be bad ass fighters.

  11. I really need to start reading this series.

    Also, I wanted to let you know that I awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award on my blog!

    You can see it here:


  12. I loved the Tor article! Seeing behing the entirety of a book, including the cover, really fascinates me.

    The Mercy covers are all gorgeous. And I am deliriously excited to read this one.

  13. I finished reading Moon Called a few days ago, pure awesomness I love Mercy and I can't wait to read more!

  14. Jenny, yes, I read that in an interview awhile ago and immediately went to check as well. Just a really fun, unique fact about the covers.

    Alicia, so am I. Big time.

    Amy, oh, I'm glad! I thought so too.

    Emily. *sigh* Yes. That's exactly what it means. BLOOD BOUND is sooooo good. Go. Go now. ;)

    wont, I hear ya. Believe me. I thought the same thing when I saw the model. She looks perfect! If they ever made a movie and she could act, she would be such a great Mercy. And I hate that I have to make excuses for the covers so often when I'm trying to pass this series into the hands of readers who would love it. The tatts don't bother me, per se. Though I do prefer accuracy with just the one that Mercy has. Because it is significant and I like that. The scantily clad Mercy is harder to swallow. Just because it's so opposite, as you point out, to Mercy's actual character.

    That said, I have to admit I really do like the covers now. I wish they were more accurate. But I really do like them. I like Dos Santos' style. But that's me. And I totally understand where you're coming from.

    Liza, hehe. YES.

    Caitlin, isn't it funny how we respond to the covers of our favorites? I'm pretty sure the cover of BLOOD BOUND is my favorite, but that might be my favorite book in the series. :)

    KIKA, yeah, that article made my day. So interesting.

    Carla, gotta agree with you there. In this instance, I really do prefer the US to the UK covers.

    Tiah, thank you for making that great point. I love that Mercy is a normal-looking woman in this cover series. With curves and arms and legs. It's incredibly refreshing.

    Lily, you do! You really do. And thank you so much for the award. That's incredibly kind of you.

    Liv, good word choice. Delirious is about how I feel as well.

    Emily, hooray! *confetti* Can't wait for your review.

  15. Although the art work is beautiful I almost didn't buy the books because of the covers. I thought they were cheese fanticy based romance novels.They depict Mercy as a 20 year old tattoed covered semi sleezy dresser,not a 30 year old mature woman. the "real Mercy" would more likely be wearing a taco sauce stained T-shirt under her work overalls not just a lace pushup bra. Good thing i took a chance and bought it based on the synopsis on the back cover because I love the books.


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