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Music Wednesday

I guess musing on the whole rock star aspect of Jane has put me in a listening mood. So here for your pleasure are a couple of the songs I can't stop playing lately. First up, Lissie's fierce cover of Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance." Thanks to DH for bringing this one to my attention and knowing I'd like it. He always brings me the good stuff.
And second, the incomparable The National's "So Far Around the Bend." Possibly my favorite musical discovery of the last five years, this band. Every song is good. This is just the one I'm crushing on the most at this moment. His voice, you guys. His voice.


  1. wow, you are right.....his voice.

  2. OK. This is just too bizarre that you're a fan of The National, too. I'll admit that I only have two CDs (Boxer and High Violet), but they're one of my favorite bands. Their music is excellent for dissertation writing.

    Favorite songs: Well, all of them on these two albums. I can't help it--as soon as I try to say, oooh, I love "Terrible Love," I'll see "Afraid of Everyone" and "Bloodbuzz Ohio." The same thing happens with Boxer. Sigh.

  3. That cover of Bad Romance is FANTASTIC! Love it.

  4. I love So Far Around the Bend! The first time I heard it was on the indie anthology Dark was the Night (which is also excellent) and have loved it ever since. I'm been meaning to check out National's other albums.

  5. Liz, right?? With the deep and the awesome? *happy*

    Nan, lol. No way! I can totally see how they'd be great for dissertation writing. Boxer kills me. I can't come close to picking a favorite either. One minute I'm sure it's "Slow Show" and then "Apartment story" and then...

    It makes me happy you love them, too.

    Kenda, isn't it? I just sit there mesmerized listening and watching her.

    Holly, oh you have GOT to check out Boxer. There's not a bad song on it.

  6. I'm in love with the cover for Bad Romance--as KMont said, fantastic!

    Thank you for introducing me to Lissie, Angie!

  7. Thanks for sharing music! I love to see (hear?) what everyone else is listening too.

    My favorite cover of Bad Romance is the Glee guys. And I've never heard of The Nationals, but I could get into them! :)

  8. Matt B's voice is even better live. I know it's hard to believe, but it's true!

    Start a War is so fricken awesome.

  9. Anonymous9:53 PM

    That is an AMAZING cover of Bad Romance!

  10. Love The National. I'm picking up Boxer from the library this weekend. Right now I listen to High Violet over and over. My fav songs are Sorrow, Bloodbuzz Ohio, and Lemonworld.

    Do you like the Editors as well? His voice is somewhat similar. I have their new album In This Light And On This Evening but I prefer their prior album An End Has A Start.
    Alison Can Read

  11. Azteclady, you are welcome, my dear. :)

    Suey, I'll have to go listen to that one. And I'm glad you liked what you heard of The National. There is plenty more where that came from.

    Heather, SO jealous you've seen them live. "Start a War" really is great.

    Emily, yes! I love it.

    Alison, I do like The Editors! I saw them open for Stellastarr* once in this tiny club. It was awesome. Let me know what you think of Boxer!

  12. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Well You know How I feel about The Nationals and I was lucky enough to see them alive a few months ago plus they will be in Ireland in two weeks, my favorite in the new album is Conversation 16 ... Boxer is one of the best album ever published (my pick "mistaken for stranger").
    It's totally unrelated but have you ever heard of a french cover band called "Nouvelle Vogue"? Their Number 1) is absolutely fantastic I think you might like it

  13. I. Loved. that bad romance cover

  14. Emily, I do know. And you know approximately how jealous I am that you've seen them live and will again soon! "Showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters..." :)

    And I haven't heard of Nouvelle Vogue, but I shall look them up shortly.

    KIKA, she kills it, doesn't she?

  15. Loving that Bad Romance cover. And I have tickets to see The National in October. Love running across fellow fans.

  16. Anonymous9:24 PM

    My hubby is a cover snob and hates most covers. But he was in love and asked me to play it again. It was awesome. Anyone else think the scruffy dudes in her band are hot?

  17. Anonymous12:00 AM

    thanks for sharing....better than the original.

  18. Michelle, so do I. Love running into other fans, that is. Sadly, I have no tickets to see The National anywhere. *sniff*

    Tiah, AWESOME. Glad hubby liked it. And your last comment really made me laugh.

    Anon, I think so too. I love great covers.

  19. The cover for Bad Romance is AwESoMe! Must. Share!

    You got an award Here

  20. KittNLuv, share away! I love it. And thanks so much for the award. That's so kind of you. :)


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