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So Cool

So basically you are all awesome and Angieville made the shortlist for the Best Young Adult Book Blog category as part of the Book Blogger Appreciation Week festivities. As you can see, it's in pretty much stellar company along with Steph Su Reads, Forever Young Adult, Presenting Lenore, and Pure Imagination rounding out the list. I ♥ each of those blogs and bloggers so much! Voting is going on right now, I believe, and be sure to register for the interview swaps as well. I participated last year and it was so fun to get to know other blogs I'd never frequented before.


  1. So happy to be in this category with you and the others - what an honor!

  2. Wow that is amazing Angie!! really, you totally deserve this!

  3. a well deserved nomination, in the last six months I read at least ten books because of you, they were all beautiful

  4. Congratulations! Well deserved!

  5. Well, duh! Of course you are! ^_^

    However, I know you are very humble about the recognition. So Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations, Angie! It is very well deserved!

  7. Love that you're on the list! As we've said before on Twitter: best. slumber party. ever.

  8. Congrats! I love all the blogs and have no clue who I'm going to vote for.

  9. Congrats, Angie! You really deserve it. I already filled up my ballot and I signed up for the interview swap as well. :)

  10. Congrats your so awesome!

  11. So cool. You're totally right and deserving of the nomination. Congrats!

  12. Lenore, it really is. We should just leave it there. No more narrowing necessary. You guys rock.

    Carla, thank you so much. Coming from you that's a honor. :)

    Ari, you made my day with that comment. You should know that. I'm so pleased.

    Em, thank you!

    Christine, lol. You are a sweetheart.

    Kristen, thanks! How are you these days? How's the house coming?

    Steph, oh man. Seriously. If only we could finagle it and make it happen...

    Livi, oh, I know. It's so hard!

    Chachic, woo-hoo! I cant' wait to do the interviews.

    Caitlin, right back atcha. ;)

    Holly, *hugs*

  13. Congrats to you! I feel like I am in very good company also!!

  14. Congrats - that's great!

  15. Never had any doubt. You have all the awesome.

  16. Congratulations Angie! Yep, stellar line up. Good luck!

  17. Congratulations! I love your blog and am not surprised one bit that you made the short list. The others that made the list are fabulous too. You’re in good company :)

  18. Yay!! You deserve this one!

  19. Congratulations!

    Also, I thought you might want to share this petition for a BRIGHTLY WOVEN sequel:

  20. You guys make me smile SO BIG. Thank you!


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