Ooh, speaking of books I've been looking forward to with an unholy yearning . . . Moira J. Moore has just posted the cover for Heroes at Odds
--the upcoming fifth installment in her most excellently wonderful Source & Shield series. And I have to say, this is my favorite cover since book three. It really is. Even if Taro is manfully gripping a sword. I like it, I love this series, and I cannot wait to get my hands on this book. Heroes at Odds
is due out July 26th.
I fell in love with the cover of Alexandra Bracken 's debut novel-- Brightly Woven --last fall and the scant synopses I could find at the time certainly piqued my interest. After managing to get my hands on an ARC, I found myself surprised and pleased with this unique fantasy. You can read my review here . As the release date approached, I invited Alex to participate in an interview and giveaway here on the site and, despite her crazy busy schedule, she kindly accepted. Enjoy! First things first: When did the idea for Brightly Woven first hit you and what (if anything) did you know right off the bat? I remember the exact moment it hit me—what I was doing, who I was talking to, what song was playing on iTunes. :) I had just come back from Winter Break my sophomore year in college and was sitting on my bed chatting with my mom. Sophomore year was pretty remarkable in terms of the insane weather that we had in Virginia (where I was in school) but it had also been a bizar...
Ah, I was wondering about the sword pose, too, but I've only read the first one so thought maybe I'd missed something. I'm hoping to read the second book soon - the first was an awful lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteHave you mentioned this series before? I know that someone has a long while back that I had read about, and I'm wondering if it had been you...
ReplyDeleteThanks for this post - it reminded me that I really need to check this series out! It sounds like fun :)
You mean Taro doesn't have blue lightning shooting from his fingertips anymore? Dang.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this, Angie! I needed some good news today.
Thanks for posting this. The cover is definitely better than the last two, but I still think the series deserves more.
I'm with KarenS, I still thinks the covers of this series don't do it justice.
ReplyDeleteYay! A respectable cover! And is that a bench-dancing Lee I spy? Very nice.
ReplyDeleteI think she's to busy with white yellow lightning shooting from her fingertips to be bench dancing
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post, Angie.
ReplyDeleteI've received an email from the editor with a copy of the cover attached, and it's easier to see. So, no, not bench dancing, though it would have been nice to see that. Also, the glowy thing next to Lee's chest is a necklace. Which isn't plot relevant. I don't care about any of the oddities or inaccuracies. I'm too relieved to have a pretty cover.
Hello there. My name's Naomi and I've been searching everywhere for a discussion board for this book since I don't know anyone who reads this series. By the way, aren't the covers absolutely dreadful? They always make me cringe, especially the male model. Wished they had kept to the original covers. In any case, I wanted to ask a question to those of you who have already read it so *major spoiler ahead*! I know it was probably her fatigue and stress along with working so hard with magic but we never did find out why exactly she was so sick during the bit where the house was bombarded with light balls. Lee seems more tired and sickly and she kept questioning herself over why she's so emotional. Now my question is if anyone else picked up on this and wonder if she's pregnant or is this just my imagination? Also, does anyone have a theory as to why the marriage ceremony went so badly, why fate or maybe the energy of the land didn't want them to marry?
ReplyDeleteI'll keep looking back here regularly to see if anyone's replied!