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Mastiff Cover

Ooh. A cover. Finally! And a release date to go with it. How nice. Cover first: I love the mountains and the dogs and the manacles hanging threateningly from Beka's hand. But is it just me or is there something wrong with Beka's head? Or her arms. One of the two is not exactly right. Right? Moving on. Truth? I've been a bit worried about this book. It's been a long time coming and, while I really love Beka and the Tortall of two hundred years before Alanna roamed it, the last book left me underwhelmed. And I've been worried ever since. I am a Pierce fan of the highest order, and I would dearly love to see this trilogy close out in fine Pierce style. So fingers crossed, I can't wait to get back to Beka and Co. (I love you, Rosto). Mastiff is due out October 25th.


  1. man, I am such a loser. I own the first two books, but they keep getting pushed down the TBR. I need to get with it and read the first one!

    Is she supposed to be facing behind and looking backward toward the front? Because if not, I'm pretty sure her head is on the wrong way. Uncomfortable, I'd imagine.

  2. FINALLY!! I'm beyond excited about this - and so glad it's an easy date for me to remember (10 days after my birthday)!!

  3. Hooray. I feel like I've been waiting for Mastiff for so long, but, on the plus side, the wait has given me the time to read the rest of the Tortall stories. Do you think there could be a connection between Beka and the Fort Mastiff of Kel's time?

  4. There is something wrong with her. I can't tell if she standing forward or if it's her back to us with her head twisted around.
    Tamora Pierce is my all time favorite and I can't wait for this!! I disagree about the last one though, I loved it!

  5. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's going on with her head/arms. Is this book a part of a series?

  6. I've been waiting for this book forever!!! Yeah, there's definitely something wrong with her head though (and her hair! She's supposed to be blond!). But I'm willing to forgive it because I love me some Tammy Pierce.

    I'm crossing my fingers for some Beka/Rosto action in this one. :)

    And the North and South still in the column on the right of your page!

  7. Yep, head's on backwards. Awkward.

    I swore off this whole series after the 2nd book--smart Beka Cooper gets into a meaningless, VERY CASUAL sexual relationship with a gambler/loser. Nevermind sweet Rosto at home who actually cares about her. It's hugely frustrating and completely disgusting.


    At the end, when she's hoping she might see her lover again (no need to remember his name, since the relationship is completely meaningless). He says, (roughly) "We've had fun. Let's not ruin it." And they both head off in their separate ways, no harm done. Oh, puh-leeze! What a lie! No mention of the STDs Beka likely contracted from this philanderer or the increase in depression and anxiety found in young women who engage in casual sex.

    So, so pathetic and SO NOT the Beka Cooper I came to respect in book 1. I'll wait for your review to decide if I want to give it another chance.

    On a happier note: Congratulations on your beautiful baby! Enjoy your new reading/nursing time.

  8. Dishonor12:37 PM

    You pretty much encapsulated my feelings for both the cover and the series. I adored Terrier but was sort of LOLWUT about Bloodhound. Please let this one be Tamora Pierce at her best.

  9. Yeah, I noticed the horrible cover a while back, too. My only theory is that they couldn't get the same model and used photoshop to alter an older picture of her into this new one. Personally, I'd like the picture a whole lot better if we couldn't see her face at all--then I wouldn't have to wonder just what injury she has that allows her to imitate Linda Blair.

    I liked Bloodhound. The casual sex didn't bother me; I think it's a mistake to judge her character based on our morality. Not only does she live in a different time, but the morality of Tortall has never truly matched ours.

  10. Allison, lol. That's exactly what it looks like. Wonder if they'll touch it up before the release...

    Sabrina, a Pierce virgin?? Ooh. Start with ALANNA: THE FIRST ADVENTURE. It's the first in a quartet set in this same world and the series is simply awesome.

    Beth, nice. Perfect birthday present for you!

    JoLee, wow. That never occurred to me! But I bet there is. Hmm...I miss Kel.

    Rebs, see, I'm glad to hear from someone who loved it. I think I love the gang from Corus so much that I really missed them in book 2. But I'm still really excited for this one to come out.

    Emily, I know. And yes, this is the third and final book in the Beka Cooper trilogy. The first book is TERRIER and the second is BLOODHOUND.

    Hayley, my fingers are crossed for the very same thing! I mean, there's gotta be some rascal blood in there to have produced the wonderfully crooked George down the line...

    And I'm glad you enjoyed the N&S pic. I couldn't bring myself to take it down. A little Armitage is never a bad thing. ;)

    Sally, I really missed Rosto in the 2nd book as well. That was a major part of why it didn't work for me. I also felt as though Beka just floundered in a way that was inconsistent with her character up until that point. I'm sorry you were so disappointed with it. I'll certainly let you know if I think you'd like MASTIFF, based on your problems with BLOODHOUND. And thanks for the congrats! I do love the extra built-in reading time that comes with a new baby. :)

    Dishonor, agreed.

    Nan, LOL. Love seeing you around these parts. Good point, I agree with you that we shouldn't judge Beka based on our morality. Or Alanna. Or Kel. Or Daine. :) That wasn't my problem with book two at all. I just . . . got lost along the way somehow. And my affection for the characters waned. Could have been me. I'm hoping things pick up in book 3.


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