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Chain Reaction Book Trailer

I posted the first two book trailers for Simone Elkeles' Perfect Chemistry trilogy. That first one still makes me laugh. Self-effacement in a book trailer? Never a bad thing. I figured I might as well continue with tradition, so here is the trailer for Chain Reaction--the third and last book in the trilogy--due out August 16. Pretty, pretty Fuentes brothers. Which one is your favorite?


  1. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I think I will never get over my deep and abiding love for Alex but there's something about Carlos which blows him out of the water. I think it's the lack of self-assurance and the constant reshaping of himself as he takes stock of the world around him. He makes mistakes but he always recalculates his position where as Alex as so pig-stubborn sometimes.

    I can't wait to see what she does with Luis although I'm worried because I always hoped she'd break her holding pattern with Luis and make him a little more delicate than the other two. All three boys can't be just as forward and outwardly confident, surely?

    - Elle

  2. In my humble opinion, video trailers for books are just weird...

  3. I remember laughing at the first trailer it was really funny.

    I'm excited to read this book. HOT brothers! I'm not sure yet if I'll like Luis, I only remember him as a 'kid' so I have trouble seeing him all grown up =P

  4. Of the actors, Alex with the curly hair for sure! Of the characters, I think I liked Carlos better. It will be interesting to get to know Luis better.

  5. Elle, I hear ya. I just re-read RULES OF ATTRACTION in preparation for CHAIN REACTION, and was surprised at how well it held up. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I loved Carlos even more this time around.

    Ondrej, it really is an unusual media, isn't it? I'm not often a fan, but the trailers for this series fascinate me for some reason.

    pattepoilue, oh man, I loved the first one. It was hysterical and made fun of itself in such a way that really endeared it (and Simone Elkeles for doing it) to me.

    Suey, I think I tend to agree with you.


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