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BBAW: Community

It's the first day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week again! I love this week and look forward to browsing through all the lovely posts each year. Today we're talking about blogs that have made a difference to us. I wanted to highlight A Jane of All Reads--a blog that I've really loved and spent a lot of time frequenting in the past year. 
In case you can't read the fine print, Laura's tagline reads,
 . . . in which we just keep falling hopelessly in love with very good books and every now and again form very sensible and respectable relationships . . . with vampires.
Ahhhh. It was this tagline (and the original name of the blog--Life After Jane) that first drew me to Laura's site, and it was her hilarious and utterly honest reviews that kept me coming back. That and the fact that she fell in love with Richard Armitage and North and South shortly after I did, so we fangirled bonded all over the place on that. Everything about this blog delights. I get a kick out of her her excellent review labels: loved it lived it miss it, so-so, fantabulousness, borrow don't buy, and my personal favorite--makes bunnies cry. And I get an excellent sense of whether or not a book is for me after reading her review of it. So if you haven't discovered this little corner of awesome in your bookish rambles, I suggest you do so immediately. Thanks for all the laughs, Laura.


  1. What a great post! And I can't wait to head over and check out the site. My list of influential bloggers, if you are interested!

  2. I've never heard of this blog, but it sounds fabulous! Love the tag line. :)

  3. What an adorable site! Thank you for sending me her way! I can't wait to read more of her reviews! :o)

  4. You are so awesome, you exist on your own separate special plane of awesome.

    Thank you so much for this.

  5. Trisha, enjoy it over there!

    heidenkind, yeah, there was no way I wasn't sticking around when I read that line. And she really does a fabulous job.

    parrish, you're welcome.

    Danielle, my pleasure, believe me. Everything about it is adorable.

    Laura, as do you, my friend.

  6. A love her tagline too! Brilliant. And Laura's personality, if at all possible, outshines it! Great post.

  7. OMG - with a tagline like that, I am DEFINITELY going to check her out right now. Thanks!


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