Christine over at The Happily Ever After recently posted the following meme, and for some reason I copied the questions over and set out to answer them. There's no accounting for what pulls me into filling out one of these, but the always-genuine Christine is likely a big part of this one. Also, it had been awhile, and I liked her questions. So. 1. What is your favorite genre to read? Um. Except for this first one. This first one is hard. If I take a look at my beloved bookshelf, it does look as though the majority of my favorite books do fall under the (very) broad category of fantasy. Historicals and contemporaries after that. 2. What is the first romance novel you ever read and how old were you when you read it? I come late to the game to this genre. The first romance novel I read was on a dare . It was Mr. Impossible by Loretta Chase , and I was 31. It was, sadly, not love at first sight. But we parted friends, and I have since gone on several memorable dates with ro...