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October Pretties

I am so excited about these upcoming releases. All three are due out in October (within a week of each other, actually), which seems so very far away at this point. I love all three covers, all three titles, and all three fascinating premises. I have never read anything by these authors, so it's anyone's guess as to how things will play out. I do have to say that I love that Eve & Adam is written by a husband-and-wife team. Other such teams have worked out just incredibly well for me in the past. I look forward to adding another set to the list.

Eve & Adam by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate
After a bad accident, Eve (short for Evening) realizes she's healing faster than is to be expected. Recuperating in her mother's biotech lab, she and an unusual guy named Solo embark on the creation of the perfect boy.
Due out October 2nd.

Ironskin by Tina Connolly
Steampunk faery retelling of Jane Eyre. I could elaborate, but I think I'm gonna exercise a little restraint and just let that little chunk of awesomesauce sink in.
Due out October 2nd.

Jepp, Who Defied the Stars by Katherine Marsh
Historical fiction, ho! This one sounds part Shakespeare, part Three Musketeers and follows a court dwarf called Jepp who sets out to find his destiny and finds the adventure of a lifetime. That cover is just achingly gorgeous.
Due out October 9th.


  1. I had heard of the first two, but Jepp, Who Defied the Stars is new to me. Looks amazing!

    1. Doesn't it? I sat and drooled for a bit after running across it.

  2. I'm a sucker for the starry covers, every time. Oh and I love the idea of a steampunk faery Jane Eyre - just so much potential!

    1. Melissa, oh, so am I. It's in that same lovely vein as the covers of MARCELO IN THE REAL WORLD and I'LL BE THERE. *happysigh*

      And IRONSKIN is just a must with that premise. Wowzers.

  3. These do sound very interesting. Wow, steampunk faery Jane Eyre - talk about mixing genres!

    1. Rhapsody, right?! It's too awesome sounding not to check out.

  4. The amount I want IRONSKIN knows no bounds.

  5. All three of those sound ridiculously awesome.

    1. Livi, this is what I am thinking. October can arrive any time now.

  6. Wow, wow, and wow! All three of these look great!

    1. Lisa, that is gonna be one STELLAR book week!

  7. I had only seen the cover for Eve & Adam, so the other two were new to me. I can't wait, they all sound fantastic! A retelling of Jane Eyre, yes please.

    1. Lizzy, exactly. It will be mine.

  8. "A steampunk JANE EYRE?" All I need to know indeed.

    1. Michelle, me too! I'm wild with delight.

  9. Anonymous2:51 PM

    October will be such a difficult month for my wallet! I'm waiting on these three and a couple more; I'm not sure how I'll decide which to read first! But being that Jane Eyre is one of my favorite books ever, Ironskin is probably the one I'm the most excited about (and a little scared of, to be honest!)

    1. Kay, ha! So true. And I hear ya on the slightly scared front. It could obviously go SO wrong. But the lure of it going so right reels me in.

  10. I have all of these on my list as well! I'm especially nervous about Ironskin. It could really go either way, but I'm hoping it's good!

    1. Heidi, exactly! Ahhh, the agony...

  11. Of those, the cover that really catches my eye is the Eve and Adam one, but the contents of Jepp sounds like something I would love!

    1. Marg, isn't that one shiny? I can't wait to see a finished copy in person.

  12. A steampunk version of Jane Eyre???? I am so there!

    1. Just stuck it on my wish list. I'm getting this book.

  13. They're all stunning, but the ADAM & EVE one is BOMB! I want it in my hands NOW!

    1. Victoria, that cover just really works for me. So intrigued to find out what's inside.


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