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Scarlet Cover

Despite being underwhelmed by Cinder's ending (or utter lack thereof), I am interested to see where Marissa Meyer goes with Scarlet--the next installment in the Lunar Chronicles. It's hard for me to stay away from some good young adult scifi. Pair that with a fairy tale retelling (this time Little Red Riding Hood), and I'm gonna be picking up that book. I mean, the character of Wolf is a street fighter. How cool is that?! This cover is also sort of delightful. I love how it matches the cover of Cinder, and I love the font, swirling cape, smoke, etc. The skinny arm is creeping me out a little bit, but all in all I'm excited to read this sequel. Scarlet is due out February 5th.


  1. I'm not really a fan of this cover. The cloak looks nice, but I want more of the girl. Just a rippling cloak is sort of blah.

    1. Livi, interesting. I tend to shy away from the people themselves depicted on covers and I am usually in favor of illustration over photos. But I can see how just the cape could be underwhelming. People were pretty divided over the CINDER cover as well.

  2. I actually really like covers that don't feature full on characters (I prefer my own imagination thank you), so I was really excited to see this one. I agree about the ending of Cinder, though I really liked the book as a whole and am very excited for the rest of the series--particularly since I love Little Red Riding Hood! I'm just going into this one expecting the same type of ending, knowing there are two more books coming.

    1. Heidi, me too. I really liked Meyer's writing, so that bodes well for another book. What I've read about SCARLET sounds awesome! I think this will be my first Red Riding Hood retelling, actually.

  3. I really like the cover; it's so different from the usual closeup or the headless girls! And the cape makes it easy to recognize the inspiration. I really need to catch up and read Cinder!

    1. Kay, yes exactly. And I agree about the inspiration. Love how they've selected one key item to represent the fairy tale with the shoe and then the cape. Makes me happy. :)

  4. I'm excited, regardless of the cover, for Scarlet. Cinder knocked my socks off.

    1. Miss Remmers, that's great to hear. I'm excited myself!

  5. I'm slightly underwhelmed by the cover (for a moment I thought the red cape was red flowing hair and then "Oh, how very little mermaid!") but it's what on the inside that counts. It does go well with CINDER's cover though.

    1. Sandy, yep. That's what we always need to remember.

      I do love a matched set, though . . . lol.

  6. I absolutely love the cover! I like how Cinder and Scarlet both have a pop of red as well.

    Cinder was absolutely amazing... I can't wait until next February!

    1. Krystianna, yeah. I'm a sucker for a pop of red. Really looking forward to a good Red Riding Hood novelization.


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