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BBAW: Appreciation

Today is one of my favorite days to be a blogger because it means (thanks to Book Blogger Appreciation Week) I get to let my favorite bloggers know how much they bring to my days. I usually like to highlight a new-to-me blog (or blogs) from the last year. This year I'm picking three blogs that I knew of before but that I became a full-fledged fan of this year, meaning when they post I click on the link. No questions asked. And I can honestly say, I never regret it either. In addition, they all happen to possess three of my favorite site titles and designs. Clean, clear, and absolutely unique to them as well. Brava, ladies.
Jess runs The Bluestocking Society, and she's just as intellectual, informal, and conversational as the society her site is named after. I click on Jess' links because she always surprises me. I never know what she's going to read next or what her reaction will be. I'm lured in by the possibilities and the frank honesty she exhibits in every post. Be sure to drop by. She'll make it worth your while.
 Sarah is proprietress of Clear Eyes, Full Shelves, a blog I frequent on a daily basis because that's how often she posts. And her posts are meaty. They range from in-depth reviews to thoughtful and lively discussion posts. We have very similar taste in books, and I so enjoy hashing out the latest and greatest or oldest and boldest with her. Do drop in. Sarah brings the smarts.
Shannon is the dedicated reading force behind Giraffe Days, a name I love on several levels. She reads widely and without inhibition. She brings to my attention books I would likely never have come across. And she connects a diverse swath of readers in a way I admire. Her writing is sophisticated and clear, ensuring that I return again and again.

Thanks, you three. Keep it comin'.


  1. Thanks for these three recommendations! I have only visited one, so I'm off to check out the other two. And Angie, you're one of those blogs I always click on. Just so you know. *grin*

    1. Oh, good! Enjoy perusing. And thanks, Cecelia. For making me smile.

  2. I've never heard of The Bluestocking Society, but it sounds like a great blog. And all three definitely give me design envy.

    1. It really is.

      Yeah, they're so fresh and clean-looking. Love.

  3. Oh wow, thank you Angie! I have some serious warm fuzzy buzz going on in my heart area! :D

    (I hadn't even realised it was BBAW time, and I wanted to join in this time around. I miss it every time!)

  4. I really like Giraffe Days too. I'll have to check out the others on your list. Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. I'm glad to hear from Shannon's other followers, Tanya. I look forward to her posts so much.

  5. I love Clear Eyes, Full Shelves. Both the blog and the name.

    1. There's just nothing not to love about CEFS.

  6. Awwwwww... Thank you, Angie! You know how much love I have for your blog. (Hello, I would have never discovered Nightshifted without you this year!) And "Sarah brings the smarts." pretty much made my week! :)

    1. Yay for Nightshifted! So excited about the sequel coming out soon.

      Happy to make your week anytime, my friend. :)

  7. Time to check out these blogs! :)

  8. Not familiar with these, so excited to check them out!

  9. Giraffe Days was a blog I discovered early on, and my love has only grown for Shannon's reviews. Her reading IS so diverse. I click over for a variety of books. I started following CEFS earlier this year when you mentioned Sarah in a review. Her posts are always smart and entertaining. I will have to give The Bluestocking Society a look. I loved the name the first time I heard it.

    1. Shannon's diversity is such a draw. I love it.

      CEFS is just awesome.

      And TBS should not be missed. Even her mini-reviews are worth the read.

  10. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Clearly, I need to check out these blogs. I'm not following them yet. Thanks for the recommendations! It's fun when you get to highlight your favorite blogs because it's a way of showing your appreciation and letting them know that they're doing a great job.

    1. Yep, I think you'd enjoy their personality and style, Chachic. It is genuinely so much fun shining a light on the blogs you love.

  11. Giraffe Days is one of my favourites too, but Sarah's blog is new to me.

  12. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Angie! I don't know how I missed this post, since I would put you into the exact same category: "blogs that I knew of before but that I became a full-fledged fan of this year."

    Thank you for highlighting my blog. I can honestly say that I experience the same things when I visit your blog. It's so nice to have a new friend. *grins* Now, we just need to take advantage of our geographical proximity and meet up in person.

    And I'm off to check out the other two blogs you mentioned!


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