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Best of 2012

It's New Year's Eve and I've got my list all ready. It contains 15 titles this year, one up from last year and one down from the year before if memory serves.

Best of 2012
(in the order in which I read them)

FYI, that's 4 urban fantasies, 4 contemporaries, 3 fantasies, 2 romances, 1 historical, and 1 post-apocalyptic. 
Interestingly, 3 of them are also novellas.

Best New Discovery of 2012

As evidenced by the fact that she shows up twice on my Best of list. With her brand new Edie Spence series, she singlehandedly slaked my thirst for new urban fantasy. I cannot wait to see how many slots she nabs this coming year.

Biggest Character Crush of 2012
Adam Parrish

A moment of silence, please, for this particular raven boy. May he survive the series and find peace.

Biggest Author Crush of 2012
Courtney Milan

It's difficult to quantify just how much pleasure I've derived from glomming Ms. Milan's backlist this year. I discovered her through her blog, which is smart, smart, smart. Also full of fascinating info on writing and publishing (both traditional and self). I moved on to her fabulous historical romances and lost track of time and space, so taken was I with her crisp, clean writing and endearing characters. I can tell this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 

Best Books I Read in 2012, Which Were Published in a Different Year

Happy New Year!


  1. I had Kinsella on my list as well! :) I debated putting Easy on it, but I haven't reviewed it yet and am still trying to find the right "HS teacher" words for it. I have to be so careful that it drives me crazy sometimes. I LOVE how you tackle great reads and don't apologize for their content. You're my hero in that way. Also, have to say that if you have recommended a book or loved it, I can pretty much 100% guarantee that I'll also love it. Thanks and Happy New Year! :)

    1. I think about you and that issue, Becky. It's gotta be so hard walking that line in reviews given your position and career. Would love to hear what you thought of EASY, though . . . :)

      You are too kind. It really does fill me with joy to hear that. Happy New Year!!

  2. Happy New Year, Angie! Love your list, and yes, NIGHTSHIFTED is now on my TBR pile - I'm looking forward to discovering a new UF series.

    1. Happy New Year, Li! Ooh, I hope you get around to NIGHTSHIFTED soon. Think it might float your boat. ;)

  3. Great list! I read and loved most of those too, and I am STILL dying to read the Cassie Alexander books. I did get both of them for my sister in law (who is a nurse) for Christmas based on your high praise :)

    1. Awesome! I hope she enjoys Edie and her crazy world. I felt like the nursing background rang so incredibly true because Alexander is one herself. It helped so much with the fabric of Edie's world.

  4. I agree with your list show much! (But I, er, still need to read Cassie Alexander. And thank you so, so much for turning me on to For Darkness Shows the Stars because IT. WAS. AWESOME.

    1. Oh, it was my pleasure. BELIEVE ME. I remember holding my breath while reading some of those scenes in FDStS. I mean, wow. Really.

  5. I loved that Sarah MacLean series, and Bitterblue. I'm excited to get to some of the books on your list in the upcoming year.

    1. That first MacLean book was a a bit of a delightful revelation for me right at the end of the year. I'll have a review coming soon for sure. Do you have any other similar recs or favorites?

      And BITTERBLUE . . . I don't know how she does it. Cashore is just a virtuoso as far as I'm concerned with it comes to writing that aches with the beauty inside.

  6. lovely list ANgie! I just read I'VE GOT YOUR NUMBER a couple days ago and adored it. So much fun. Happy New Year!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you adored it. How could you not? Thanks for letting me know, too. Always gives me a little thrill.

      Happy New Year!

  7. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Happy New Year, Angie! I love the list. I also loved Grave Mercy! The next book is high on my TBR list. I just bought The Raven Boys and Nightshifted (and Cinder). And I'm looking forward to reading Bitterblue and For Darkness Shows the Stars in 2013.

    1. Happy New Year, Karen! You have some nice pretties sitting there. :) You should definitely read CINDER just in time to read SCARLET cause it is one great sequel.

  8. Such good books on your list! I think I've read all of them except the urban fantasies, and I definitely agree about them being some of the best of the year. The Sophie Kinsella book took a while to win me over, but by the end I was really enjoying it. And I'm happy to see that you liked the Sarah MacLean book--I really enjoyed that series.

    1. Yeah, it seems like the Kinsella is a charmer in the end. I've talked to several people who were won over partway through. The rest loved it from the start. I love books like that.

      We must talk about the MacLeans. NINE RULES was just delightful. It took me by surprise. I liked the premise of the 2nd one a lot and Isabel was great. Not quite as taken with Nick as with Gabriel. And then the third wasn't quite a win for me. But that first one . . . a keeper.

    2. I totally agree with that assessment :) The first was definitely the strongest and the last my least favorite (I think we've already discussed my impatience with "passionate" and "headstrong" romance heroines), though I enjoy MacLean's writing style enough to give any of her books a shot.

    3. We have and I agree. Juliana just didn't quite gel for me, and Leighton never quite removed the stick from up his . . . well.

      But I am a certified fan now. I read the first one in her new series and now can't wait for the follow-up to come out at the end of the month!

  9. I'm happy to say that I've read all but two on the top list (Moonshifted and Fair Game). I'll have to ask you about some of those romance titles in the bottom list. :) Great picks as always, Ang.

    1. I figured you were pretty close to having this lot covered. :) I really think you'd love FAIR GAME.

      The romance ones at the bottom each surprised me. I would never have guessed they'd make the list, but make it they did.

  10. I've got The Fault in Our Stars and I've Got Your Number on my list, too! And your list reminds me of a few books I need to pick off my shelf. I hope 2013 will get even better for your reading! :)

    1. Both good 'uns, Kay.

      Here's to an illustrious literary 2013!

  11. Sigh. That is a wonderful stack. I have read so little this year. If I made any New Year's Resolutions outside my head, reading more would be one of them. We will leave it at that.

  12. Anonymous9:06 AM

    here I am looking for advice, Courtney Milan? Never heard of her but where I see a crush I see bauty so now I have to find out a little more about this governess

    1. How did I miss this comment? Have you read any of hers now? What did you think?


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