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Much Ado About Nothing Trailer

Pure unadulterated awesome headed to a theater near you come June 7th. I love the Emma Thompson/Kenneth Branagh version so much that I haven't ever found myself longing for another. But, come on! Nothing will keep me from seeing this one. How about you?


  1. oh wow! How did I not even know about this? I'll definitely be going even though I too adore the KB, ET so much.

    1. Exactly. It won't replace ET/KB in my affections. But I cannot miss it.

  2. This trailer is so amazing. Who thought of putting that song together with that trailer? It's just dissonant enough to stand out. And OF COURSE I will be seeing this one, thank you Joss Whedon.

    Also, I keep on hearing about this Emma Thompson/Kenneth Branagh. I think I need to go track it down...

    1. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. That song, Steph!

      Dude. Go watch the Thompson/Branagh version already. So, so good.

  3. SO excited for this one. I mean, it even has Nathan Fillion. I adore the Kenneth Branagh version A LOT, so when I showed it to one of my roommates a few years ago and she didn't like it, that should've been my first clue that it wasn't going to work out between us roommate-wise :)

    1. It really has Nathan Fillion. WIN.

      Wow. Yeah, that roommate situation was never gonna work for you. Pity.

  4. Joss Whedon? Nathan Fillion??? I'm already in the front row of the theater with just the mention of those two names!

  5. I'm a HUUUUUUUGE Shakespeare fan, so I'm always up for seeing a new rendition of his works. I have to say, as much as I admire Joss Whedon, I'm not sure anyone will ever play a better Beatrice and Benedick than Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh. I mean, c'mon! Branagh was born for this stuff!

    1. Yeah, I'm not anticipating it will top that version, because hello SO perfect. He really was born to play that role, I think. As was she.

      But this looks fun. And I do love the two leads.

  6. *squee* Everything about this (*cough*NathanFillion*cough*) makes me happy. And on the upside, Reed Diamond *has* to be a better Don Pedro than Keanu Reeves.

    1. He just *has* to be.

    2. So I feel stupid. My daughter pointed out to me that Keanu was Don John, who's played by Sean Maher (*squee*, but not in the trailer. What's with that?!?). Still. Got to be better than Keanu.

    3. Lol. Good eye she has. Sean Maher is playing Don John?! YAY!!

  7. Yep! I may love the old version, but I cannot wait to see this one. Heck, it's Joss Whedon--I'll be able to get my boyfriend to take me to see Shakespeare!

  8. Anonymous5:42 PM

    *hyperventilates* I CANNOT WAIT FOR THIS. I can't even. It looks soo amazing ahhhhh

    That is all.


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