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Golden Pretties

Come on! How am I supposed to sit around and ignore these upcoming releases when they feature such pretty, pretty covers? You've likely seen them floating around before, but they go so well together I had to throw out a mention. I like to think their dust jackets will be thick and matte, with that slightl pebbly feel to them that makes my bibliophilic heart sing. Well done, Bloomsbury and Allison & Busby cover peeps. I mean, really. Well done.

Conjured by Sarah Beth Durst
Okay. A supernatural librarian in the witness protection program. A magical serial killer on the loose. I feel fairly confident I can just stop there. Yes? But, oh dear, all the pins in that heart . . .
Due out September 3rd.

Bitter Greens by Kate Forsyth
This one's got all sorts of potential. A retelling of the Rapunzel fairy tale told (partially) from the perspective of a woman at the court of Louis XIV. I ask you. Need I go on? The early word from across the pond (and Oz) is very good.
Currently available in Australia and the UK (I know); no word yet on a U.S. pub date.


  1. Wow, these both sound amazing! NO U.S. release dates yet? :(

    The Bitter Greens cover reminds me of The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, a really lovely middle grade book from a few years back. I always like silhouette covers, though.

    1. Not for Bitter Greens, unfortunately. Conjured will be out here in September.

      I agree! I thought of the Calpurnia Tate cover as well. And the one for Unspoken. Silhouette covers are so classy.

  2. I saw Sarah Beth Durst's cover at her blog. Love it! And Wendy Darling is spot on! I totally thought of that book too.

    1. You, too? :) There's a definite resemblance.

      Love the Conjured cover, too. I need to read it. I read and enjoyed her ICE, but that's about it.

  3. I'm really excited for both of these, especially Conjured since Vessel was one of my absolute favorite books last year. I'm not a huge fan of the Conjured cover, actually, it's a little too Mexican Catholic for my tastes, but I love the Bitter Greens cover--the Aussie cover is gorgeous as well.

    1. *sigh* I need to read VESSEL. I've read ICE by Durst and it's my favorite retelling of East of the Sun, West of the Moon. But that's about all I've read of hers. I tried ENCHANTED IVY and didn't finish it.

      That's funny you point out the Catholic thing. That never occurred to me until you said it. It will be interesting to see what tone the book itself takes.

      I saw the Aussie cover for Bitter Greens and like it, but I am a sucker for silhouettes, I think. :)

  4. Supernatural librarian? Sign me up!

    I'm so lucky that Mandee sent me a copy of Bitter Greens. I just started reading it and I already love that one of the main characters is a woman in her 40s(!) who bemoans the effect being sent to the convent will have on her sex life(!!).


    1. I was so in as soon as I read that tidbit.

      I am jealous, Maggie. You are reading it Right Now! That character sounds awesome, btw. When will it find its way to me??

  5. These both sound so darn appealing! I've got to stop adding to my TBR pile so far in advance. Hopefully we'll get Bitter Greens soon!

    1. I know it's early days for these. But I'm really crossing my fingers Bitter Greens makes it over, preferably with that same cover!

  6. I love the cover of Bitter Greens, I'll definitely need to look out for that one. I like the sound of Conjured, but the cover kind of freaks me out, I'd need to cover it up at night!

    1. Lol. I somehow missed the menacing aspect of it until now. Now I can't see anything else!

  7. Both beautiful covers, I agree. Surprising to find a book out in Australia but not the US!

    Rinelle Grey

    1. The Aussies are in some kind of YA golden age right now! They have crazy good stuff coming out right and left. If only it were published simultaneously here...

  8. Not going to be able to wait until the US release of Bitter Greens. Totally going to try to find it elsewhere!

    1. I know. Grrr. Time to navigate the back channels.

  9. Wow, these both sound amazing!

    1. They kind of do. Fingers crossed they come through.


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