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Best Books of 2014

It's New Year's Eve and, as always, I have a list of my favorite books of 2014. Twenty titles this year, my friends. Five less than last year and five more than the year before. And that sounds about right to me when I reflect on the sort of reading year it was. Which is to say generous. And beloved.

Best of 2014
(in the order in which I read them)

FYI, that's 10 contemporaries (hmm), 4 urban fantasies, 3 historicals, and 3 fantasies. Three of the 20 are novellas. And it's worth noting that three authors appear twice on the list. Kudos to Maggie Stiefvater, Laura Florand, and Rosamund Hodge for such tireless excellence.

Best New Discovery of 2014
Rosamund Hodge

She has written two books, a novel and a novella, and I loved them both. Her characters are vicious and vibrant, and I want to kiss and kill (but not be) them all at the same time. Her mythology/fairy tale mashups are note perfect, and I have her upcoming take on Little Red Riding Hood queued up in my TBR as we speak. So much to look forward to.

Biggest Character Crush of 2014
Ronan Lynch

The second Raven Boy to achieve this distinction. I . . . do not feel the need to justify my crush at this point in time. Or ever, really. I may, as Gansey fears, at one point fall and cut myself on Ronan. But nothing will ever make me fall out of love with him. All I want is him safe at the Barns. With Adam. Do you hear me, Maggie? That is all I want. So mote it be.

Book I Reread the Most in 2014
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 

Pretty sure I clocked in at three rereads this year. One of those was aloud to my husband while on a cross country road trip, which was particularly lovely. But each time was just as witty and charming and heartfelt as the first time. Just anything she writes. You know?

Best Books I Read in 2014, Which Were Published in a Different Year

Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell

Happy New Year!


  1. I need to finish the Raven Cycle! I also want to read Landline,

  2. Eleanor & Park! Yay! Also, I just recently discovered the amaziness of The Raven Cycle. I need book four right now! But also, I don't want it because then the series will be over!

  3. I definitly loved the books on your list that I've read.
    Levi turned out to be my biggest character crush. I compulsively re-read Fangirl and The Road Home this
    year. I have paper copies but they are also on my kindle so anytime I was stuck
    anywhere for a few minutes I whipped out my phone. And then of course, once I
    started reading them I just had to keep going. :)

    Happy New Year. I hope it's a good one for you and your family.

  4. Cruel Beauty made my list as did The Chocolate Temptation and Landline. I still need to read the Suffragette Scandal. I just started that series a couple of months ago. Despite not really enjoying the first two as much as I wanted, I LOVED third and am especially interested in this one.

  5. I'm with you on Ronan. MAN, I love those boys. (And Blue. Seriously.)

  6. Ooh, you do. I get more entwined with each book.

  7. Amazingness is right! I'm dreading the end as well . . .

  8. Oh, man. LEVI.

    And you know how I feel about The Road Home. All the love. ALL OF IT.

    Happy New Year, Misti!

  9. Yes, the 3rd and then Suffragette have been my favorites as well! So good.

  10. We are one on those boys, Melissa. And Blue. Just love.

  11. I really enjoyed Burn for Me, too. I can't wait to read the next book in the series! I really need to check out the Rosamund Hodge book. I've been hearing nothing but great things about it and I love fairy tale retellings.

  12. That's exactly how I felt when I finished. Next, please!

    Yes, the Hodge was definitely my favorite fairy tale retelling of the year. Totally worth it.

  13. So many good ones on this list! Isla, Sinner, Blue Lily, Eleanor&Park, Fangirl, Jackaby (I could go on.) I always love your Best of the Year posts. My favorites of 2014 is up today.

  14. A lovely list of books! Also you've a physical copy of the Sarina Bowen *jealous*

    (Also, I just bought the collector's edition of FANGIRL today - it was half-price in my local bookstore and therefore obviously meant to be.)

  15. Your reading year was waaaaay better than mine. Much more variety and fun!! I have yet to read Rosamund Hodge or Laura Florand (although Chachic keeps recommending her titles!).

  16. I'm so glad, JoLee. I love talking about our favorites together.

  17. I know! I got it for Christmas and the physical copy makes me ever so happy. It has a lovely matte finish.

    I am so relieved you have your own special edition now. All is as it should be. :)

  18. Lol. Aww. I am crossing my fingers for a better year for you this year, Sandy!

    Oooh. When you are in the mood for something romantic, DEFINITELY dive into the Florand. So lovely and swoony.

  19. Yay for The Chocolate Temptation, Burn for Me and the Year We Hid Away! I have those in my list too. I always love your favorite books photo at the end of the year, you (or your husband? hehe) take such beautiful shots.

  20. I'm happy to see Never Judge A Lady by Her Cover made your list. I've been kind of hesitant to pick it up. The revelation about Chase in the last book has me reeling, with not much idea of what to expect from this one..

    I hope 2015 is a lovely reading year for you!


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