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I Got 99 Problems But Books Ain't One, or Angie's Top Ten Five Book Related Problems

Top Ten Tuesday is a bookish meme hosted @ The Broke and the Bookish

The truth is that I never look at anything book related as a problem. Books (and everything they encompass in my life) are the bright spot. They save me on a daily, sometimes an hourly basis. They are where I go to recover from the 99 problems calling for my blood at any given moment. They're the plane, and the train, and the road, you know? What I'm trying to say is that when I do stress, it's never about the state of my mountainous TBR, or when I'll get around to picking up the seventh book in that series I love, or how I'll ever scrape together the money for those shelves I really need. 

That said. I know that the people near and dear to me would be able to slap together a list of my book related problems in no time flat. So I thought it would be fun to compile a list of ten five problems they would definitely say I have and that I would think fondly of their extreme patience with me (and my books) as I did it. So.

She would loan out the last surviving copy of Shakespeare's First Folio to a random stranger on the street if s/he asked just right
I freely admit this, and I flat out refuse to feel guilty about it. It's just that when I realize there is someone out there who has not read a book they clearly need to read, I am incapable of not moving heaven and earth to resolve the problem ASAP. I press the book into their hands and go to bed feeling all warm and fuzzy inside (and hoping they'll text me their favorite lines as they go).

She fails to keep good track of who she's loaned which book to
This is unfortunately true. Six months after calling mischief managed, I realize that signed, first edition never made it home again and blearily begin casting about for where in the world it could have disappeared to.

She will rec books all the livelong day. but when the tables are turned it's like pulling teeth
Sigh. Okay, I am the actual worst when it comes to other people's recommendations. I know I am. It's crazy because I never had a problem with required reading in school. Ask me to read a 1000-page classic and write a five page essay I was going to be graded on and I was your girl. And recommending books is like breathing to me. But someone slaps a book in my hand, tells me they loved it, and gives me that eager, expectant look and I am paralyzed by guilt and obligation. What if I hate it? What if I can't get through the first chapter and then am forced to return it shamefacedly? Never mind that it doesn't phase me at all when someone returns one of the books I handed them saying it just wasn't their cuppa. So I ask you—what is wrong with me??? 

*It's worth noting that this is true only of in-person interactions. Online recs are my jam and please to be keeping 'em coming, people!

When it comes to reading, she is a leaf on the wind
This goes along with the other people's recs problem. It appears I left formal schooling and can no longer be tied down. It's also why me and book clubs just never seem to make it off the ground. Tell me I have to read this book and only this book by this day and you will guarantee that book is the very last thing I pick up. These days I am entirely led by mood and, honestly? With my days as full as they are, full of my job, my kids, my husband, my house, etc? When I do finally climb into bed at night I am going to read just whatever the hell I please. You can check your guilt at the door.

She is a compulsive collector
I confess to the occasional smidgen of guilt about this (four copies of Jane Eyre and The Blue Sword, I'm looking at you), but on the whole I remain essentially unrepentant. I adore different editions of my beloved books. When a new and shiny one (or a previously unknown and beautifully old and worn one) flits across my radar, I become fixated on owning it. And really, given the above problems, it's in everyone's best interest if I have a couple or three lender copies of my favorite books. This is what I tell myself as I fork over the cash. 

Hm. I feel as though I may have come off a touch defiant when it comes to these "problems." But, as I hope I've made perfectly clear, when it comes to books—I sleep well at night.


  1. LOL - Book people have problems non-book people just don't understand. Just last week I was so excited that a business trip had been canceled because that meant that I could pre-order a book to get the day it comes out rather than time it to arrive a couple days later when I got home. Books make me happy and I will never apologize for my love of them. :)

  2. That was awesome. And all so true.

  3. I would die if a signed, first edition copy never found its way back to me. Actually no, first I would hunt down the person who LOST my copy and...well...let's just say I'd make a good episode for NCIS or CSI if that scenario ever occurred >_>...!

  4. It's so true. And your story made grin hugely, Misti. I know that precise dilemma.

  5. I know. I've really got to clean my act up. I treasure those volumes. But somehow I can't stop myself from handing them to a reader in need. Agh!

  6. Guide them to the library! Or write down what they should read and give it to them: I have some childhood friends that I don't always see but when I do, I ask them what they are in the mood for and write out lists of recommendations that I can think of off the top of my head. It's so nice when I hear my friends telling me that they keep those lists in their wallets whenever they're at the library or bookstore. Sometimes I write little notes or doodles next to titles xD I remember writing 'ASSASSIN NUNS' for Robin LaFevers' series lol.

  7. LOL I've definitely got the last one with Jane bookshelf is pretty much 50% copies of her six books over and over and 50% other stuff xD

  8. Ahahaha! I love your recommendation "problem" because I have the exact same reaction. Real life friends tell me to read a book and I grit my teeth and smile... knowing that I will never, ever pick it up. What's wrong with me?!

  9. Hahaha. Perfection.

  10. Right?! It's awful but I can't seem to change.

  11. I love this list! (Also, the "read ALL the books" picture.)

    I'm glad I'm not the only person fazed by in-person recommendations either! And there's nothing wrong with collecting different editions - you've got to fill up those beautiful bookshelves, right...


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