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Angie's Best Books of 2017

Somehow it's New Year's Eve again, and here we are. I don't especially feel like getting into what this bloody year was like and how I thought it couldn't get worse than last year, but then 2017 came and was all . . . ahem. Well, you know the rest. 

Suffice it to say, I feel like my favorite reads of the year reflect what I needed and what all you wonderful writers and readers had and needed to give. Just ten titles this year, you guys. A literal Top Ten, which I don't believe I've ever actually achieved. It is the last day of the year, and I present you with one highly distilled list of impeccable reads.

Photo by @aamith
(in the order in which I read them)

FYI, that's 5 fantasies, 3 contemporaries, 2 historicals. Fantasy for the win this year!

Best New Discovery of 2017

I didn't sleep a single wink the night I read this book. McKelle George's writing is exquisite. By the 100-page mark, I was beside myself in love with these characters. The caliber of writing and the emotional weight in this novel echo that of Megan Whalen Turner and Robin McKinley, they are that superb. The kind of fizzy joy I feel inside at finding this debut novel and marveling at all the wonderful things that are to come is the very best kind of joy. 

Biggest Character Crush of 2017
I fell in love with the High Lord of the Night Court at his very first appearance, though I admit I didn't know then what a highlight of my reading year he would be a part of. Rhys, who is not at all what he seems. Who is the reason the Inner Circle exists. Who refuses to let Feyre wither and die. I didn't see him coming, and I love him all the more for it.  

Book I Reread the Most in 2017
Unraveled by Courtney Milan

What can I say? Sometimes a girl just needs some Smite Turner in her life. And some wonderful Miranda Darling. This year's rereads may have been prompted by my delightful pilgrimage to The Ripped Bodice during our trip to L.A. There, I picked up my second edition of Unraveled. And so, of course, I had to read that copy, even though I had already reread the book once earlier in the year. Something about the dark and winding streets of Bristol and the quiet color and light Miranda infuses Smite's life with just gives me hope. Together, they are a jumble of contradictions and uneven lengths. But she is always right. He has an efficient heart. 

Best Books I Read in 2017 That Were Published in a Different Year

The Convenient Marriage by Georgette Heyer
The Morning Gift by Eva Ibbotson

Happy New Year!


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