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In Which I Give the Throne of Glass Series Another Chance

Look, I knew this day was coming. I mean, there was a chance that it wouldn't. If I hadn't given in and read Sarah J. Maas' A Court of Thorns and Roses series, I might never have gone back and given the Throne of Glass series a second chance. Which would have been a dashed shame (more on that later). But reading Feyre's story and loving it in the precise way I did was the nail in the coffin of not returning to Celaena's story as well. Thank you, Reading Gods of Second Chances.

I think you're all familiar with my history with this series. In fact, some of you have a similar story. I snagged an ARC of Throne of Glass (one of the ones with the original terrible cover) at BEA way back in the day and started it almost immediately. I ran out of steam a ways in and gave up for lack of anything holding my interest. And, somehow, my reaction was strong enough to withstand literal years of ensuing hype and rave reviews from readers and writers I truly esteem. Finally, after finishing A Court of Wings and Ruin and being absolutely bereft, I gave in and started Crown of Midnight. I determined I would avoid any negative feelings associated with the first book (and the possibility of burning out again going over the same ground) by starting with the second book. It was a good call.

I know by now Ms. Maas knows how to pace an rip roaring tale and that I am wholly capable (inclined, even) to fall in love with her casts of characters. And this series has proven itself no different. I understand, guys. I understand now. I understood the moment I fell in love with Chaol Westfall (which was approximately the moment I read the words "Chaol stepped up to the line" and was permanently cemented the moment I read the words "Chaol sank to his knees") and accepted that my heart would be smashed into pieces at some not-distant-enough point in the future. Because I haven't been living under a hole these past few years. I know the doom my Chaol-loving heart faces. I don't care. I will always love the captain of the guard. That said, I finished Heir of Fire last night and I am kind of a fan of Rowan Whitethorn. And of the natural and measured progression his introduction into the series has taken. I expected a rush, and instead I got . . . well, just what it should be. What can I say? My heart is big enough to encompass what will come.

And, yes, it's utterly reprehensible ridiculous that it took me this long to eradicate the bee in my bonnet and dive back in. But I did it! And that's all that matters. Because now I have the singular pleasure of being smack dab in the middle of a full-on binge of the series. And the truth is, how often do I actually get to do that? It's rare, you guys. I am currently tearing my way through five not-slender novels and thoroughly enjoying every absorbed minute. I started Queen of Shadows last night and am 100 pages in, and I ordered the Target exclusive editions of both Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn last night at midnight. Because, predictably, I have fallen down the fan art rabbit hole with this series, and I require the art in these special editions. I can't wait til they arrive! In fact, I'm worried I'll have finished Queen of Shadows before they do. Reader woes, you guys. I got 'em.

So . . . I'll keep you posted, you know? I'm so happy this happened right at the end of the year so that this series could bridge the old and the new for me and hopefully carry me over into the new year on an excellent reading high. What about you? Any second chance reads that worked out? I'd love to know. Here's to getting over ourselves and finding other people and other worlds we were meant to love.


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